♥ thirty three ♥

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Oh my gosh we reached 1k views! I never thought a single one of my books would end up here. I hope it continues to get more and more love. Thank you!

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I sat on my bed in my quiet apartment. The silence suffocating me. I had called in sick at the restaurant today because I was exhausted and not feeling the best.

The boys had left last night, all promising to make sure to talk to me everyday. I had gone back to my apartment right after and went straight to bed. I was hoping the sleeping pills would also keep me from crying but I found out that wasn't the case when I woke up with sore eyes.

So here I was, sitting on my bed and staring at the wall. Doing absolutely nothing. I hadn't eaten breakfast yet either because I wasn't hungry. I hadn't even gotten out of bed.

Slowly I reached for my phone sitting on my nightstand. I pulled it to me and turned it on, a single ray of sunshine illuminating the screen and my bed.

Tae: Sweetie are you okay? [6:02]

Kookie: Why are you crying? [6:32]

Joon: Call me when you get up please. [7:00]

Yunhai: Hey hope you feel better and we see you at work tomorrow! [7:24]

Yoongi: Calm down. Stop crying sweetheart [7:49]

'How long was I crying?' I wondered, glancing over at the clock. 9:52. Sighing, I swung my legs out of bed and padded to the bathroom.

I turned on the shower and watched myself in the mirror. My pink hair fell in loose curls. I was starting to get used to it.

I hopped in the shower once it warmed up and relaxed while reaching up to wash my hair. I felt bad. I was only causing their moods to deflate and missing work.

More thoughts started to overwhelm me but I shoved them to the back of my head. The steam calmed me temporarily as I finished washing up.

I got out and changed into a large t-shirt and leggings. I dried my hair and popped it in a bun before pressing my glasses onto the bridge of my nose.

I walked back out to my room and grabbed my phone, opening Joon's text.

You: I'm awake now. Sorry for ruining your morning... [10:17]

Instead of a reply, my phone started ringing shortly after. I answered it, waiting to hear a scolding but instead it was the calm voice of Namjoon.

"Are you okay?"

I smiled. "Yes I'm fine. Sorry again for ruining your moods today. You guys must have been out of it for awhile..."

"Baby you were crying for hours," someone said from the background. I put my ear closer before realizing who it was.

"Taehyung I'm okay. Really."

"He's right though. Did you have a nightmare?" Namjoon asked. I sat on my couch before shaking my head.

"No...If I did I have no recollection of it," I answered, glancing out the window. Dark clouds scattered the sky as it started to get noticeably darker.

A hum came from the other end before I asked another question I had been avoiding.

"H-how long exactly was I crying for?"

Someone mumbled something before Jimins voice answered.

"Don't worry about that."

"But I want to know how long," I complained. He chuckled.

"No. It wasn't that long baby. Don't worry about it okay?"

"Okay..." I trailed off.

"What are your plans for today?" Jimin asked, lightening my mood a little.

"It's about to rain so something indoors. I do have to get groceries though so I'll probably go do that before it starts to really pour."

"Be safe okay?" he said.

"And don't be out too long!" Jungkook called.

"And wear your coat." Taehyung practically demanded.

"Okay okay. I won't be long. Have fun in China," I told them.

"Okay text us when you're done with shopping. We love you," Namjoon said.

"I will! Love you guys too," I answered before hanging up. I jogged back to my room and pulled on a sweatshirt. I grabbed my keys and wallet before sliding my phone into my pocket and leaving through the front door.

I went through the lobby and out to my car. I hopped in and started it, glancing up at the major rain clouds.

'Hope I get home in time.'

I quickly started to make my way to the nearest grocery store before the rain could catch up.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

I walked back out to my car, gripping onto my bags as the rain started to drizzle.

I loaded them in the back and jumped in, starting the car. I squinted my eyes as the rain started pouring harder.

I was focused on the road until a flash of white caught my eye. I didn't stop but looking in the rear view mirror I noticed it was a car. Furrowing my brows I shook it off. Probably nothing.

However with each turn I was taking, the car continued to follow at a steady pace. Now I was worried.

I fumbled to grab my phone as I called the first contact.


"Sunmi! Someone's following me! I have a tail!"

"Woah calm down. A tail? I mean I thought you were a human but-"

"SUNMI! Somebody is following me in another car! I can't shake them!" I cut her off.

"Oh! That tail." It took her a couple minutes to register what she just figured out before screaming.

"I don't know what to do?! This only happens in movies!" Groaning I hung up with her and checked my mirrors. Still following. It's high lights flashed on for a moment, allowing me to see the silhouette of a man.

I quickly called Jin, begging for him to pick up. Although I don't know what he's supposed to do when I'm in Korea and he's in China. At this point I just needed my soulmates calm voices.

He picked up as I sighed thankfully. "Jin! Oh my God what do I do?!" I asked without giving any context.

"Y/n! Calm down. What's happening?"

"Someone's following me home!" I shouted as I broke down in sobs.

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