♥ Alternate Ending 5 ♥

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I nod with a proud smirk on my lips. I grinned as Yi-Ji plopped down.

"你很烦," she mumbled, crossing her arms in a small pout.

"Hey, I am not annoying. I just like to keep readers on their toes is all," I shrugged, posting the last chapter of my new novel.

"Yeah-but...you can't expect people to like you when you end books like that!"

"Will you calm down?"

"And plus, you're the main character! You just wrote your own death! Doesn't any of that disturb you?" 

"No Yi-Ji because it's never going to happen. Do you know how rare soulmates are? Ever since the mass murder of more than half the soulmate population, it's been hard to repopulate."

"Yeah, yeah I know about all that crap. But I still believe you could get a soulmate," she waved her hands around carelessly before jumping up and padding to the kitchen.

"You think so?" I asked dreamily, following her into the kitchen as she prepared us two cups of tea.

There was a reason behind my countless soulmate fictions. There was a possibility that I might receive a soulmate. However, it wasn't as easy as a talley mark appearing on my thigh. That was just an inspired idea for fictional purposes only. What really happened was if you made physical contact with your soulmate, you either explode with happiness and warmth...or forget everything about your life because fate decided it wasn't time for you to meet yet. The latter was rare.

But every work I have written since I was in 8th grade...was about meeting my soulmate. And a lot of them were BTS-related fanfictions. Ever since their debut I was a huge fan and looked up to them. They inspired so many things and opened my eyes to the world. Resulting in my newest book, Seven. Where the main character, me, finds out her seven destined pieces were the members of BTS.

Yi-Ji was just upset that I ended it with everything being a dream. She said it was too "stereotypical" and so many people ended their works in that way. She called in unimaginative and said it had no creativity.

I think she was just jealous. I mean she wishes she could end a book like I can. The point is to lead up and then suddenly drop it. My readers have noticed I like using cliffhangers a lot. 

She placed the steaming cup of tea in front of me before blowing lightly on hers, the surface of the dark liquid rippling like a little puddle in the sprinkling rain.

"I wonder if you'll get seven soulmates like in so many of your books," Yi-Ji thought out loud, causing a small blush to rise to my cheeks. 

Wouldn't that be special?

"A girl can dream Ji..."

"Speaking of which, the concert is next week! Aren't you excited?! We're finally going to see our Bangtan in action!"

A smile graced my lips watching my best friend's eyes light up with sheer anticipation.

"I'm so excited. I still need to prepare an outfit...I've been so focused on finishing Seven I haven't had time to think about anything else."

"I've had my outfit planned since 2 years ago," Yi-Ji shrugged, sipping on her hot tea. 

"What?! How? We didn't even have tickets?"

"Well, I always thought, y'know? What if I did go to a BTS concert?" I stared at the girl in disbelief as she took a long drink of her tea. "So I put together the perfect outfit a long time ago."

"Wow um..determination right there I guess."

She nodded proudly before placing down her mug and glancing out the window. "Looks like there's going to be a storm. I hope the boys are flying safely..."

"Are they flying out here right now?"

"All I know is they're supposed to spend the week relaxing here before the concert."

"Ah, that makes sense. Well, I hope they make it."

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

The whole venue was filled with screams as we made our way to our seats. Yi-Ji was talking but I couldn't hear a word, all my focus was on the flashing lights and not getting trampled by the screaming fans. 

"Happy 21st birthday!" Yi-Ji grinned when I could finally hear her. We were so close to the stage, I could reach out and touch their feet if I wanted to. 

...Okay maybe not that close but it was an insane distance between us. 

"Thanks, Ji! I'm so excited about this!" 

"Same! I've been waiting for this moment since their damn debut!" She broke out in laughter as I smiled. This was the happiest I had seen her since her parents died. I couldn't believe how much of a difference Bangtan made in her life. 

My thoughts were cut short when there was a sudden screaming and the lights dimmed, the boy's faces flashing over the many screens, causing only more of a ruckus. I tried to control my nerves as their intro to ON started. 

Holy shit why is it so hard to act sane?!

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

Ugh, it's almost the end. I hate how attached I am...

The melody of Magic Shop filled the venue as they separated into their own parts of the stage. I got lost in time when Taehyung made his way over to our part, practically inches from my body. I had to keep my body from falling flat when he made eye contact, an immediate burning in my heart causing me to gasp. 

He frowned, pulling off his jacket and pointing to me. Jungkook, who had now ended up by his side, flashed a smile and motioned for the frantic fans around me to move. I softly gripped his jacket, my eyes widening in disbelief as his fingers softly brushed against mine. He grinned a boxy smile before jumping back to the rest of the song, Jungkook following behind him. 

"Girl you just got-"

My eyes met Yi-Ji's as she stopped mid-sentence. 

"D-did I just get Taehyung's jacket?"

Her lips parted in disbelief before she nodded slowly. "That's just a coincidence right?" 

The searing pain in my leg brought my attention to the skirt I was wearing. The leg where seven initials sat.

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

Hi!! This concludes the last ending of this book! It's come so far and I wanted to personally thank all of you for going through the ups and downs of this book with me. I have one question though...

If I made a Jimin ff, would you read it? Let me know!

And should I make this a new series to seven? Like a part 2?

Also please share your love to my other books as well! 

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