♥ thirty six ♥

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Omg this book is getting so many views I didn't think that was possible 😭 It's all thanks to you guys!

Onto the chapter!

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I sat down slowly as they started going absolutely crazy.

You: uh what happened?

Taehyung: we were hoping you knew!!

Joon: we all suddenly got this cut on our hands about 2, 3 minutes ago.

You: it looks like my cut...

Jin: you cut yourself?!

You: no no! someone broke a glass and I accidently cut my hand on one of the pieces. although I don't know why you guys have cuts

Joon: interesting...

Yoongi: don't go all scientific namjoon. not the time

Joon: ...

Jungkook: can you wrap it?

You: yes I can but what about you guys?

Joon: until we figure things out we'll wrap ours too and start researching

You: okay

Jimin: be safe okay?

Hobi: yeah we love you!

You: I'll be safe and I love you guys too! come home soon please

Taehyung: we will

I shut off my phone and glanced at my hand before finding Yunhai.

"Hey oh- what happened to your hand?"

"Seojun and his friends knocked a glass over and I cut myself. No big deal but where can I find bandages?" I asked.

"Over here," she smiled and walked into the kitchen, reaching into a cabinet. I thanked her and grabbed it, opening the bandages and wrapping my hand.

"That should be good. Thanks again Yunhai," I waved and went back out to see Seojun and his friends clumsily walking around their table, telling jokes and laughing.

I turned to Sanji and nodded. Time to kick them out.

I walked up to the table and smiled before starting to pick up glasses.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Seojun muttered accusingly, making the group look up.

"You guys need to leave. Now please," I said, continuing to pick up the assortment of different glasses.

"What?! We're leaving no!" his friend laughed drunkenly.

"Yes. You are." I stopped and turned to him.

Seojun reached for my hand to pull me down on his lap but Sanji was quick to act.

"Leave now before I call someone to do it for me. And it won't be pretty," he crossed his arms and stood in front of me.

"Fine. Whatever. C'mon guys," Seojun spat and got up, wobbling to the door. His friends stumbled after him as they left the tiny restaurant.

"Thank God they're gone. Thank you Sanji for stepping in," I pat his shoulder before walking to the kitchen with all the glasses.

I put them in the sink ask Sujin grumbled a response.

I rubbed my eyes with a small yawn as I took my apron off.

"And they're all out," Suho sighed happily. I noticed he had been in a great mood the whole day and couldn't help but smile. It made me smile seeing how happy he was to have a soulmate.

It made me cringe at myself for what I did in this very restaurant. They must've been so heartbroken...

"Y/n?" Sujin waved her hand in front of me as I snapped out of it.

"Hm? What happened?"

"We were asking what you were doing tomorrow?" Yunhai asked.

I was about to say nothing before something hit me. Tomorrow the boys came back!

"Sorry! I have something to do and it's kind of an all day thing. Why?" I answered a little too quickly.

Sujin and Yunhai smirked while Suho shook his head. Sanji just chuckled.

"Nevermind Y/n. We'll hang out some other time," Sanji smiled and pat my head. I smiled as well and grabbed my bag and phone.

"Alright goodnight! See you next weekend probably," I waved.

"I regret telling her to work at BigHit," Yunhai pouted as I giggled.

I walked out into the chilly air and got into my car. I quickly drove home, always checking to make sure no one was following me home.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

I sat impatiently, waiting by their van in the parking garage. I would have waited right by their gate but security and the crowds of people would say otherwise.

So here I was waiting in the parking garage like a creep. I leaned against the car and started whistling a small tune as I tried to look normal.

However it's kind of hard when people passing you are terrified you're about to kidnap them with your ginormous van.

I was watching a couple walk by when I suddenly got a rush of emotions. It was a new feeling I had never felt before and I- loved it. Because I knew why I felt that way.

I immediately turned to the right and saw a group of 7 familiar boys walk out.

As soon as one looked up and saw me, he dropped his bag and ran forward. I ran towards him to before being engulfed in a tight hug. The familiar smell of Jungkook's cologne filled my nose.

I inhaled his scent deeply before leaning back to face him, still in his arms.

"You have no idea how worried we were," he sighed, burying his face in my neck. The others joined us at this point, piling onto me in a group hug. My back was against Jimin and Taehyung as Jungkook wouldn't let me go.

"Never. Never scare us like that again," Jimin mumbled in my ear. I nodded with a smile before giving them each a much needed kiss.

"How was China?" I asked as they loaded their stuff in the van.

"Good although it was hard to navigate..." Jin answered, getting in the driver's seat.

"You should've just taken me. You know I speak Chinese right?" I asked. Their jaws dropped as I giggled.

"But of course you guys don't care~" I teased before going to jump in the car.

Hoseok grabbed my waist, pulling me against him in a hug before kissing my neck.

"You know that's not true," he mumbled. I giggled and turned to face him.

"I know Hobi. Let's get in the car before they leave us."

In response Jin honked on the horn. I piled in, sitting between Yoongi and Jungkook.

Jungkooks arms immediately wrapped around me. I turned to look at Yoongi but he was looking out the window at absolutely nothing.

I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. He looked up and met my eyes before blushing slightly and immediately looking back down.

I smiled at his cute, shy self before leaning my head against him and relaxing in the warmth of my soulmates.

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Wow almost 4k views. I can't believe it. You guys are probably getting annoyed with me for continuously repeating it but thank you guys!!!

Also to jjk_imagines for supporting me through out the whole book!

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