♥ six ♥

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Only 2 more. Except...I still had no clue who any of these people could be. For now, I'm keeping my leg covered because I want to figure it out and not some genius sherlock out there. Aka Minsu or Sunmi.

I might find out with the last 2. Who knows?

Today is Sunday and I'm super ready to do nothing. I really need to do something with my life though. I'm just proving my mom right. I have to use her money to afford to live in an apartment. Not to mention my friends are all pitching in too. I'm poor as hell dang. 

I decided to go job hunting! I whipped out my laptop and typed in job offers in my area. I'm probably gonna regret this later.

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

2 freaking hours later. 2 whole hours of scrolling through this damn computer! But, finally, I found one. A waitress. Steady pay and I think I could pull this off.

I emailed the place and sat down, turning on the tv. Now, we wait. 

I glanced down at my thigh and saw another initial. They were surprisingly making their appearance fast. Usually takes a whole week for even one to show up. 

The new one was...J.H. 

Nope. Nothing new. Don't know who that is. I'm sure one of my friends would know...but I don't want to ask them. 

I want to figure it out but I don't have the patience to wait! Come on last initial. I scowled at the slow-moving writing on my leg, the tally mark slowly turning to letters.

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

I woke up a mess on the couch. It was dark outside, my phone was blowing up and chips were scattered across the table and my laptop. I swept the crumbs off my phone and picked it up. Just a group chat between me, Minsu, and Jugyeong. And...a few messages from an unknown number? I clicked on it and read the recent messages.

Unknown: Hey Y/n

Unknown: It's Seojun

I rolled my eyes. This guy again. Why did I give him my number again? Was I drunk? No, I think I was sober enough. I hadn't even drank that day. Heck, I just turned 21!

I quickly typed a response, throwing it on the couch cushion beside me before lifting my laptop and wiping the chip crumbs off that too.

"When did I even get the chips out?" I asked out loud. Strange. 

I opened the screen and logged into my email. A reply!

Hello Ms. Yun Y/n,

            We appreciate your willingness to work at our humble family joint. Please come in tomorrow at 9 a.m. for a short interview where it will be decided if you are fit enough for the job. Thank you and we hope to see you then.

Great so they want to at least see me. That's a good sign. 

A bright glow came from beneath the laptop, making me flinch. I raised the computer slowly and saw my leg shining brightly from the marks. Are they completed?! 

I looked at the last one that appeared in cute handwriting. P.J. 

Okay so I still have no clue who these names are but they're starting to grow on me...

My phone chimed with a notification, pulling me from my intense staring match with the marks. I grabbed my phone and turned it on to see a reply from Seojun. Sigh.

You: Hi Seojun

Seojun: I was gonna ask if you wanted to go back to the cafe for a rematch? I've been practicing.

Ain't no way this kid actually went home and started practicing so he could beat me.

You: Uh yeah sure. What time?

Seojun: 10 minutes

Shoot! Why doesn't any guy give us an option on what time? They seriously just tell us the time and expect a girl to be ready in 10 minutes. They. are. so. funny.

I ran to my room and got changed into something suitable before tying my hair into a low ponytail and running out the door to meet him. 

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.
"Oh hey, you got all your marks. Have you tried finding your soulmates?" was the first thing he said to me.

"Hi to you too Seojun," I mumbled, sitting down and turning on my pc. "No, I haven't tried finding them. I literally just got my last mark like 15 minutes ago."

He nodded silently, loading up his character already while I was just signing in. He must be really set on winning this thing. 

We started the first round when suddenly my phone rang. "Timeout," I called, pausing the game and grabbing my phone. He nodded quietly, grabbing and taking a drink of his water bottle. Jugyeong? What did she need?

"Hey?" I greeted, half confused as to what she needed.

"Hey did anything change with the soulmates?"

I looked at my leg in curiosity. "Why?" 

"I was just curious. You know I'm super excited to see how this works," she giggled over the line. I smiled faintly.

"Well yeah actually. I didn't tell you guys but I started getting names after the concert and now I have all 7 initials!" 

"Bro seriously?!" she shouted, making me pull away from the phone.

"Yeah seriously."

"Name some of them!"

"Uh K.T, M.Y, P.J, K.N, K.S, J.J, J.H. That's all of them."

The line went completely dead before she screamed loudly. Seojun flinched beside me as I dropped my phone.

"Yah shut up!" I scolded, grabbing my phone from the ground. Thankfully it wasn't cracked.

"Come. Over. RIGHT. NOW. Drop everything and come over. I'm expecting you in less than 5 minutes." She hung up. Okay, I take back what I said. Not just guys but girls too.

"Sorry Seojun, something came up and I have to go."

"But we just started," he pouted. I sighed. Seriously this kid.

"Sorry," I waved and left out the door after shutting off the computer.

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

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