♥ five ♥

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I screamed. Screamed. Loud and clear. My neighbors are probably flying for their phones to dial 911 right now. I screamed at the top of my lungs. 

Although it was probably nothing much to scream over. My thigh had a set of initials on it and I started to see others appear from the other tally marks. There is no way I met all 7 of my soulmates in one day. I just got my marks yesterday!

Well, I was at a concert last night, maybe my soulmates were some randoms in the crowd around me. My personal space was pushed last night. By many, many hands. Boys and girls but I guess that's what you get when you come to a concert with over a billion people.

Who's initial is this anyway? K.T? Never heard of anyone with that initial. I guess I really did bond with a total stranger last night. 

What did the book say? Come on think Y/n.

Right. If you have multiple soulmates and you meet one of them, you automatically meet all of them. 

Ugh, so I have no clue who the others are. I might've only met one of them. 

Does that mean I met K.T? Whoever the hell that is. Kim...Kal...Kay...I have no clue! Timothy... Tiffany...I don't know.

I pouted as I flopped on the couch and stared at my thigh. With each passing second, a magical stroke would appear to make up a letter in another one of my soulmate's initials. I guess I just wait all day for them to appear.

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

Another one. I got another initial. Finally 2 hours later and it's finished. I've been laying here on the couch the whole time because the only thing to keep me company right now is cheesy kdramas. Sunmi was working with her dad this weekend and Jugyeong was busy at a makeup con all day. Minsu forgot about a test she had to study for so she was also not an option. 

I looked back down to my thigh. K.T. in bold letters but another one was added. J.J. Right and I'm supposed to know who these are? 

Sighing I stood up and glanced at the clock. 2 in the afternoon. I need to do something. I grabbed the jacket that the BTS guy gave me and shrugged it on. I grabbed my phone and my earbuds, making my way out of my apartment. This will also pass time for more initials to appear.

I walked around the streets for about an hour before landing at an internet cafe. A coffee in one hand and my phone in the other I entered the little building, finding a seat with a computer in front of me. I sat down and as soon as I did, a familiar song started playing. 

Where did I hear this? Oh right. Last night. It's a BTS song. What was it called again? Permission to Dance I think. They announced it or whatever. 

"Good song," I muttered without thinking. 

"I know right," someone agreed, making me jump from my seat.

"Sorry didn't mean to startle you!" I looked to my side and saw the source of the voice. A guy around my age with a bright smile. He seemed pretty innocent-looking to me. 

"Oh um it's alright. What's your name?" I asked, turning on the monitor.

"My name is Seojun. How about you?" he asked, turning on his computer as well. I looked around the empty cafe. So many seats and he sits by me? Must be lonely.

"Y/n. How old are you?" I asked, trying to start a conversation as the Overwatch home screen loaded.

"23. Nice, you use Widowmaker? She's good but I prefer Sombra," he added, looking at my screen. I just kept scrolling through, ignoring his comment. Widowmaker over Sombra any day.

"Want to play with me?" he asked. I tried to hold in my annoyance. Yeah, he seemed nice but I didn't feel like talking. However, I also didn't feel like being rude so...


"Sweet. Get ready to get obliterated," he chuckled, adding me. I shook my head slightly. He was about to go home crying. It's the whole reason I play alone. All of my friends who have played with me have overall given up the game. Said it was too hard to play against me and I took the point out of the game. 

We loaded in and I immediately started going into absolute beast mode.

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

"15 to 3 my point!" I announced. He stood up from the computer, shutting it off.

"Out of 8 rounds you did surprisingly well against me," I giggled, shutting off my computer as well.

"Are you kidding me? I regret asking you. Also, that skin needs to be banned for you. It's totally not fair," he sighed, grabbing his bag and pushing in his chair.

"Oh, Seojun you would still lose even if you put me in the worst character in the game."

"I still can't believe you beat me that bad. I've never lost to someone like that. Makes me wanna quit the game."

I rolled my eyes slightly. Why couldn't anyone accept defeat?

"Hey, you found your soulmates?"

"Huh?" I looked up from the ground to look at him. He was looking at my thigh. I looked down and nodded. 2 more initials appeared. How long had it been? 4 hours? 6 hours?

"Wow seven. That's a lot. How do you feel about that?" he asked.

Who does this guy think he is to ask about my personal life? I felt like protecting my soulmates even though I didn't even care. Something is definitely happening to me.

"Um I don't care," I answered anyway, biting my lip as we came to an intersection. He nodded before pulling out his phone.

"Can I have your number?"

Wow, he's really straightforward.

"Um, soulmates remember?" I asked, motioning to my leg.

"As friends," he added, blushing slightly. I shook my head, giggling quietly before grabbing his phone and adding my number. 

"K bye Seojun," I waved, turning and heading to my apartment. He better not try anything or I'm blocking him.

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

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