♥ thirty nine ♥

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I drove to the boys dorm because they had been begging me all day to come after work. That and I'm sure Namjoon wanted to continue to research what the heck happened with the whole cut incident.

I knocked on the door, tapping my foot impatiently. Suddenly it swung open and I was picked up, my hair covering the identity of my kidnapper.

I squealed as I was swung around on the shoulder of one of my soulmates. "Jimin put her down." Jin ordered.

He groaned as my hair finally cleared out of the way of my vision. He lowered me so I was off his shoulder but still clinging onto him like a koala.

He smiled at me before crashing his lips on mine. My eyes widened in surprise as I reached up and brushed through his hair, caressing his cheek. My eyes shut as his lips continued to move in sinc with mine.

"Hey stop the PDA," Taehyung whined, making me pull away and blush, patting Jimin to let me down.

He rolled his eyes at Taehyung before winking at me and setting me down. I covered my face, plopping on the couch and hiding my face in a pillow.

"Shy?" Yoongi teased, pinching my side so I'd swat at him.

"Anyway. We wanted to ask about Vai before these boys get too carried away," Namjoon called, pulling everyone's attention away from me.

Then it was right back to me once Vai was mentioned. Jungkook seemed over eager as he sat by me, clutching onto my arm.

"She's fine really. Her mom called her last night and left a lot of messages and she's just not happy about it. No need to worry," I smiled. Jungkook let go of a breath he'd been holding and relaxed against my side.

I ruffled his hair as he snuggled against me.

"So what else were you planning to do?" I asked them as they watched the young maknae cuddle me with adoration.

"I'm making a quick dinner. Would you like to help?" Jin asked. I nodded with a smile before replacing myself with Hoseok. He shrugged and turned on the tv as I grabbed Yoongis hand.

"Wait what? What are you doing?" He asked, whining obvious in his tone.

"I've seen enough Run Bts episodes to know you can cook Min Yoongi. I want to see it in real life now," I giggled as he sighed, letting me drag him to the kitchen.

"Oh you got Yoongi to help cook? Normally he's egg-zosted!" He started cracking up at his own joke as I snorted, trying not to laugh at the lame play on words.

Yoongi frowned and rolled up his sleeves. "Your jokes suck Jin," he muttered.

"Yah!" He smacked him in the back of the head, making me absolutely topple over in laughter. The two oldest fighting was the absolute cutest.

"Okay guys stop!" I laughed before pulling both their wrists away from each other. I rolled up my own sleeves and started grabbing ingredients to make dinner.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

"Dinners almost ready!" I called out to the boys who had been awfully quiet in the living room.

I glanced at Jin who shrugged, Yoongi doing the same.

I peeked around the corner and saw them all staring at their phones.

"Um guys?" I called out again. Slowly, Namjoon and Jimin looked up from their phones.

"We have a problem."

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

Short chapter because I kinda wanted to leave it on a cliffhanger. So sorry! 😭

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