♥ Fun Facts ♥

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Believe it or not this story has a lot of weird facts about how it came to be. Here are some!

1. Before writing this book, I had written a book titled "Seven" before but was quick to unpublish and delete it because I didn't like it. Actually, the first "Seven" book was an Alien AU.

2. In the beginning chapter, I was originally going to write the book in the third person but found it too difficult at the time so I changed it to the first person.

3. I involved the number 7 so many times in the book because the number has a hidden meaning that reveals the ending of the book. Now that you know the ending, you may want to go back, reread, and figure it out for yourself :)

4. The ending was written after the second chapter. Hence the foreshadowing in chapter three when Y/n almost gets hit by a bus.

5. The names Suho, Seojun, and Jugyeong, were taken as inspiration from true beauty however their characters were imagined completely different. I didn't copy anything but the names so THEY RIGHTFULLY BELONG TO THE AUTHOR OF TRUE BEAUTY.

6. A character in the book is based on me. Can you figure out which one?

7. Vai, Hamra, and Rin are real-life people's characters who are the same as described in the book.

8. Originally, Y/n was supposed to get shot at a concert while getting proposed to.

9. This book's chapters and plots were written out and completed a month before the last chapter.

10. I got tired of writing "Y/n" so much that i started to make the boys call her out by pet names a lot more often.

11. Originally, the book was titled "Seven" because Y/n was supposed to live the dream for seven months.

12. Seojun wasn't actually supposed to be the bad guy and neither was Vai. I just thought the book needed more than just fluff.

13. I had another book titled 14 that I was going to publish before I decided not too. In that book, each of the characters including BTS had a special power and different names to categorize their species. This inspired the soulmate spark.

14. I was on and off with this book. Hating it at some points (so I would write fluff then) and feeling incredibly inspired at other points (the angst and drama).

15. Yoongi and Jimin's sparks were supposed to be swapped.

16. Namjoonś spark was originally seeing the outcome of Y/n's choices but I changed it last minute too, that he would get a bad feeling that would make him vomit if something was wrong with Y/n.

17. I had the boys get the same cut as Y/n before I even thought about soulmate sparks. I had a panic attack after posting the chapter, asking myself why they all got the same cut in their hand. Eventually, I thought of soulmate sparks.

18. I can actually speak Korean, Chinese, and English which inspired the tour stops.

19. In the draft, Namjoon was supposed to celebrate his birthday in Spain.

20. Chapter 69 was supposed to be a smutty chapter.

21. And last, Yuna wasn't originally supposed to be Y/n's younger sister. It was supposed to be a famous Korean ice skater but I changed it to a celebrity more well known.

Hope you enjoyed the fun facts and ask any questions you have down below!

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