♥ thirteen ♥

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"And they just accepted you like that?" Jugyeong asked impatiently, leaning forward in her seat. I nodded, sipping my lemonade. 

"See! I told you soulmates were amazing! They weren't even mad at you," Jugyeong smirked, leaning back. 

"When I first walked in it looked like Yoongi and Jimin were about to punch me in the guts." 

Jugyeong's smirk dropped as she mouthed an "oh". 

"Anyways what happened when you woke up?" 

"Well I woke up alone on the couch and the room was dark. I was still in my sweatshirt but my jeans had been changed to shorts and a fuzzy blanket was layed over me. They must've had to go somewhere because I didn't see them on my way out," I told her, chewing on an ice cube. 

"Hm yeah. I bet they had practice or went home," she nodded, chewing on her thumbnail. 

"So what have you been up to recently?"

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

"Right on the dot. A minute later and I would've snitched on you," Suho joked as I barged into the employee room. I rolled my eyes before placing down my stuff. 

"So how is everything?" Sanji asked, sitting up from a couch in the back and getting his own apron on. I smiled turning to him. 

"I apologized and felt way better. Now we're all friends," I told the two boys. They nodded with smiles on their faces. 

My phone buzzed suddenly making us all jump as it rattled the metal locker. "Sorry. Someone must be calling me," I apologized, grabbing my phone and looking at the ID caller. "No way.." 

"Hey, Y/n! Feel like a game of Overwatch today? Our time got cut short last time~" 

No. Get away from me you peto. "Ah, Seojun! I can't today because I'm busy at work but how about tomorrow morning?" I offered, making eye contact with Suho who cocked his head confused. 

"Okay sounds good Y/n. Just let me know what time and I'll be there~" He hung up. I shivered before setting my phone back down and tying my hair up. 

"Who's Seojun?" Sanji asked. Suho nodded in agreement. 

"It's some random kid who sat by me at an Internet Cafe and wanted to play Overwatch with me. I beat him brutally and now he wants a rematch and won't leave me alone."

"Doesn't sound like he just wants a rematch," a woman's voice sang, making us all turn. Yunhai opened her locker and put her stuff in.

"Look what the cat dragged in," Suho joked, nudging her shoulder. She scoffed before turning to me and looking me in the eyes.  

"Y/n. Words of experience and wisdom. Get him out of your life. He sounds like he wants to do more than just play a friendly game with you." I nodded quietly. 

"If you don't want to let the poor kid go, just put your guard up," she sighed, dropping her bag on the bench. 

"Or take one of your soulmates with you if you really feel uncomfortable!" Sanji suggested. My eyes lit up. 

"Good idea! I'll text them after work. Let's get to it~" I giggled, leading a line of chatty employees out the door.  

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

You: Guys um can I ask something. A favor kind of

Namjoon: Of course Y/n! What's wrong?

You: Well um..how do I put this not-weirdly. 

Jin: Just try :)

Jimin: We live with Taehyung. I think we've seen weirder

You: Do any of you play overwatch?

Namjoon: ...

Jin: ...

Yoongi: ...

Jimin: ...

Taehyung: ...

Hobi: ...

Jungkook: >:) Who's asking?

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

Knock Knock

"Coming!" I pulled over my large hoodie and kept the hood up. It was rainy out all this morning so my hair was a bit of a mess. I opened the door and saw Jungkook standing with an umbrella. 

"You're not wet are you?" I asked, feeling his arms. He smiled brightly, resembling a bunny. 

"Nope. Let's go?" I nodded and grabbed my car keys, shutting the door behind me. We walked down to the lobby before I glanced out the glass side door. 

"My car is the red one. Ready to run?" I asked him. He nodded, still smiling brightly. I smiled back before opening the door and yelling, "RUN!" 

I unlocked the car while running and we made it, slamming into the sides and shutting the doors quickly. 

"Wait somethings not right..." I mumbled, turning to see Jungkook was in the drivers seat and I was in the passenger. He started laughing and made to get out but I stopped him. 

"Like hell i'm going back out just to drive. You can!" I chirped, flicking the keys at him. He rolled his eyes playfully before inserting them and starting off to the internet cafe. 

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I slid it out and looked at the message. 

Seojun: You almost here? I'm ready to destroy you >:)

You: We're almost there!

Seojun: Wait "we're"?

I left him on read and slid my phone back away. "Thank goodness you're coming with me," I mumbled, patting his head, messing up his hair. He scowled before fluffing it back up dramatically. I giggled and pulled my hood up further as the cafe came into view. 

The rain had temporarily stopped so we got out and took our time to the door. Once I got inside, Seojun immediately called my name. I turned right to see him sitting at a table of 4 computers. I pulled Jungkook over to the table, making sure he was fully disguised before sitting down. 

"So who's this and why's he barging in on our little competition?" Seojun asked, raising an eyebrow while clicking away on his computer. I cleared my throat while opening up the computer's home screen. 

"A friend and he's here because originally we were going to hang out," I lied, opening the game. Jungkook stayed silent but politely waved before opening his game as well. 

"And his name?" Seojun asked. 

I glanced over at Jungkook who did the same to me. 



We said at the same time. Seojun tilted his head suspiciously. I mentally facepalmed before quickly recovering. 

"His name is Justin but I call him John because of an inside joke," I quickly explained before pinching Jungkook's arm and going silent once more. Close one. 

"Justin was the best you could do?! You know any army is gonna know that," I whispered to him. He smiled weakly and gave me a tiny thumbs up. I rolled my eyes and started the game. 

"Ready to get destroyed?" Seojun asked, smirking evily. 

"You said that last time buddy. Let's see how you do with the newbie over here," I smiled, motioning to Jungkook. I put emphasis on the "newbie" so he got the idea.

This'll be fun.

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

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