♥ eighty five ♥

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I studied the picture closer. It definitely was no coincidence. He was looking straight at the camera. And though they weren't standing side by side, it was obvious she had tried to fit him into the frame as well. 

What was strange though was that the post had no views and no hearts whatsoever. What the hell is going on?

I straightened my posture and dropped my phone into my bag, standing up and filing out of my office. I brushed past a grinning Sora in the hall, making sure to give her my most genuine smile. However, it faded as soon as I turned the corner. I made my way into the temporary practice room where I hoped at least one of the boys was. 

Luck was with me as I opened the door to not one but all Seven of them.

"Y/n?" I was instantly embraced by a larger form. I smiled, smelling the familiar cologne of Jungkook.

"What do you need?" Namjoon asked as soon as the muscle bunny let go of me but still stood close.

"I need to show you guys something. It's about Sora." 

Instantly they tensed up as I fished for my phone in my bag. I furrowed my eyebrows, dropping my purse and myself on the ground to give a more thorough search.

"Is something wrong Y/n?" Hobi asked, squatting beside me. My eyes widened when I dumped out my purse and no phone was seen. Almost immediately I recalled passing Sora in the hall. She had brushed my side lightly but not enough to cause suspicion. It was a narrow hallway after all.

I groaned, falling back onto someone's lap as I tugged at my hair in frustration.

"Y/n?" Taehyung's soothing voice met my ears, filling me with a warm, cloudy feeling inside. It felt like my heart was getting wrapped in fuzzy blankets.

"Yes?" I asked equally as quiet.

"What happened?"

"Sora stole my phone so I couldn't show you guys. Either that or she wants something to do with all my other boring information," I calmly explained, packing everything back into my purse.

"We'll find her. Don't worry. But what did you want to show us? We'll believe you without proof Y/n," Jimin giggled, holding out his arms for me. I crawled into them and held on tightly.

"It was a post on her Instagram. She was with Seojun at one point. She also slipped up and mentioned something about giving the costumes to a black van. Even though we only drive the white ones currently. Then I heard my designer saying she was talking with some man near a black van only hours before we left Korea." I took a deep breath before stuffing my face in Jimin's neck.

Namjoon hummed quietly before sitting down with the others.

"So you think Seojun has the costumes?"

I nodded softly. Jimin rubbed small circles on my back.

"Y/n we don't care about the costumes if it means involving you and Seojun," Jin mentioned patting my head.

"It just makes me so mad though! I let them get away with it," I pouted, leaning back from Jimin's arms. 

"Baby you couldn't have done anything about it. Sora's slick. I wouldn't be surprised if somehow she found a way to cancel the tour," Hoseok added.

Something came to mind as I slowly sat straighter. "Why didn't Sora get arrested back in Korea?"

I snapped my head to Namjoon. He glanced at the others warily before turning to me. "They needed evidence."

"BUT THIS IS COMING FROM FREAKING BTS! WHAT MORE DO THEY NEED?" I angrily stood up and grabbed my purse, turning to the door. Yoongi grabbed my wrist and pulled me straight back down onto his lap where I was instantly locked in a barricade of his arms.

"Calm down Y/n," he ordered. I took a deep breath and deflated in defeat.

"How are they always a step ahead of us?" I sighed, sliding off Yoongi's lap and onto the ground.

"For now all we can do is try to get her to slip up so we can get evidence. Once we do, it's off to jail with both of them," Jin pointed out.

I nodded but frowned. "It's going to be hard to get her to slip. Even when she's wearing her pink stilettos."

Jungkook snorted, trying to hold in a laugh as the others grinned. "You're too cute Y/n," Taehyung sighed, squishing my cheeks. I giggled before hugging him tightly.

"Hey, we haven't gotten any kisses since like...yesterday!" Jungkook pointed out with a pout.

"Alright fine," I smiled and pressed a kiss to Taehyung's lips before going and giving them each an equally special kiss.

"There. Now go back to practicing. I've wasted enough of your time," I demanded, grabbing the door handle.

"You'll never be a waste of time," Yoongi shrugged and turned before I could catch the pink tint on his cheeks.

I cooed at the adorable little kitten before waving goodbye and exiting the door.

Now that I was alone, I had time to think and come up with a plan. First things first I needed my phone back. Most likely she would leave it on my desk, acting like I accidentally left it there. I don't think there was any hope of getting the costumes back so I needed my designers to up the fill-in ones a little bit more. And how I was going to get Sora to slip up? I have no clue.

Suddenly I ran into a tall form with orange-blonde hair. Grimacing, I stepped back and made eye contact with one of the people in the world I never wanted to see again.

"Hey, sis." Her lips curled upward into a smirk at my obvious shock. "What's wrong? Didn't expect to see your dear sister in China? I guess no place is really far enough. Is it?"

I pursed my lips before responding. "I guess it isn't when I see your face on almost every ad. How have you been, Yuna?"

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

..okay well by now you guys can obviously tell I love my cliffhangers. But at least this explains some of Y/n's background! This story is getting to the climax I swear. I'm sorry for stretching it out so long!

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