The Devil's Breath and Shamanism

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After hearing that name, I was like going back to the way I was before. I was too frightened to face it. Was it just another crazy coincidence? Is the application just shitting on me or was it all real. I don't have the answer. 

First, I astral travel a lot like I mentioned and I abused doing it flying anywhere further I could.  Second, the two huge cloud like demonic thing watching over my body when I do lucid dreaming. Third, the unknowingly lust-of-kill moments that I never ever understood. Fourth, the subconscious one I used to speak on the recording which was like my imaginary friend where it could possibly the real me. Fifth, the level of paranormal I had around me. Sixth, Livia who's been watching over and befriended me like she knew me. Seventh, the Ouija board actual possessions. Eight, the cult who wants my body to be a vessel. Ninth, a lot to mention. 

My mind was like on another big puzzle. After hearing it, the feeling goes back to Part 12 Call to Possession. Like everything was so heavy and the world seems to melt. I can't take it. I don't wanna come back. Why am I even writing this. Come back to? Who am I speaking to. This is my real body and nobody owns this but me. I got the control no matter what. I don't know. My mind was battling while writing. Forgive me. I just can't take it. 

Remember the movie Insidious? A different evil spirit or demon was the one who came back possessing the father's body and the real father was trapped on that said realm. If in case it was, was it the one who wanted to score a kill so  bad? Another puzzle unpuzzled but I must not acknowledge it. I know they're just playing behind the scenes and probably laughing to how I feel on those moments. The heck. 

So what I did is, I contact some group of so called exorcist online. We're not gonna do exorcism but the crave to know more about this is something I must do. I normally couldn't see of what's having a 'third eye' be like. I researched on it and it said some people could make my eye open by the help of the 'Shaman'. They said, with shaman to guide us, we will be shown to a world where the demons of your pasts exist and you can battle with them and ask questions. How cool and crazy was that right?

 Shamanism is never common in Philippines.  It is a person believed to achieve various powers through trance. They are typically thought to have the ability to heal the sick, to communicate with the otherworld, and often to escort the of the dead to that otherworld. Cool. Another cool thing we just know.

So, it was the month of December and the quarantine restrictions isn't that strict anymore. I decided to go back home for Christmas and forever left the said room where I had thought of myself dying each and every time then I continued my journey of becoming free without really thinking of what's coming next. I just want to live.

Some days before that, I actually started sharing my paranormal experiences to my friends which for some of course think that it's just the craziness of me. Dester, my classmate in high school had shared things about Mary Jane. Mary Jane was called in their class in grade school as 'having her own world' - a thing the same as I do. Dester also explained that one day during the Home Economics subject, Mary Jane just shouted really hard and they came over to know of what's happening about. 

Mary Jane told them that she saw a big branch of tree just float on her front. It was for sure the moment where we are doing 'spirit of the coin' just 100 meters away from us and it was the moment Livia bumped on Mary Jane as how Livia explained how it all happened. Everything started on those moments and the story of Dester just so connected to mine.  

One night, I invited two of my bestfriends to come home and sleep over while watching anything thriller or horror movie. Before that, we of course pass by to the so called Devil Cemetery that I mentioned on previous parts. As we passed by, we saw a candle lighted on 10pm time and it was weird for us. Distance later before arriving home, we heard some weird shout coming from the dark calling unto us and so we hit the gas and move so fast. 

As we arrived home, watched tv, and sleep, I was the only one who can't sleep since my sleeping time is inverted to what normal people is. Seconds later, I heard a whisper in my ear in a very scary way. The breath was even hot and I was so awake to missed a glance of who did that to me. None of my friends was awake and they can't move that fast. It was so weird, I got scared and really frightened. These whispers in my ear is getting wider and wider as times goes by. I couldn't do something about it. So maybe I go for another adventure on the road and bring peace with my inner selves? Then this happened. 

NEXT PART: Bombs and bombs

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