I, Sid Part II

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It was a semi military academy. Never met a person like our dorm master, Franco. Most people were feared and hated the way he is. I was that person who looked forward on him and admired him. He's a core commander on his school way back when he also studied on the Philippine Merchant Marine Academy and now he's in charge to discipline us cadets. No matter what punishment he gave, I was thinking that it's for us. He's so passionate on his job. He even cried when it was his birthday as we serenade and celebrate his day. I'm a copycat. I admire someone I copy them. From personality to actions to the way they speak. I influenced people swiftly and because of that, changing their first impression on me real fast is such a piece of cake.

First year is called as fourth class in the academy. You will be called as the lowest mammal. Less than dogs down the street they said and that 'senior is always right'. We have different cleaning stations and in that particular month I was assigned to be working in trashes. In that place we experienced eating cakes thrown from the trash just to taste it since food is not allowed for us except meals prepared from the galley. Things are getting harder and harder inside as a fourth class but I took everything nicely and wise.

When I was a 1st year college or 3rd class, I insisted to be the best fourth class from the rest. Not in academics but in discipline. The goal is to catch the attention of my seniors and to have their dependence or reliance towards me. I gained their trust. I personally thought that I need it onboard the vessel and so I'm right. I never said no to whatever they asked me. I washed their clothes even their underwear with no problem at all without asking in return. Because of that I got favors from left to right and my co-cadets are jealous of it that they're on my back. The whole year was a success. Less friends, but more trust from them.

On my 2nd year college or 3rd class, I sought to be the best senior this time implementing the best discipline I could give for my juniors. I became one of the chosen few quarter commander handling cadets' discipline. Mr. Franco Patusic was kicked out on that time from being the dorm master because of the 'righteous' uprising of some cadets provoking that his way of discipline was wrong. I was the guy who wanted to defend him but as a 3rd class cadet, you don't have the voice to do such since you're against higher classes. Mr. Patusic died recently year 2020.

A new dorm master was assigned and he was a former Police Officer. I highly doubt his capabilities at first sight. Believed me I'm good at it – Verdicts. When he implements new rules, he will see me coming to his office. One time he told me that every time he see me coming, he's afraid of me because he knew that I will be against his rules if I'm walking towards him. I have done everything I could as a senior. While some admired the way you are, mostly wouldn't. I became the most feared as a 3rd class senior. Because of that I gained the respect of some and leave the rest who won't.

The craziest thing I've done so far for them is when I nailed my cellphone portraying to all 4th class cadets who have seen by me holding a phone will be done the same. Well, that phone of my mine is already damage and they never see it coming. I laughed so hard. Well, if we don't discipline ourselves, the world discipline for us. Our future will play on us.

Third year was the last year since the 4th year will be apprenticeship onboard the vessel. In this moment of time I left the person I was when I was 4th class and 3rd class. This time, I focused on study. Maritime studies are actually quite bookish since you are studying theoretically and less actual. Honestly, that school sucks especially maritime instructors. For God's sake they will always made me fell asleep with those kind of teaching. It's boring as hell! Less teach, more about their life experience. Seriously, how these teachers did passed the evaluations. Out of 10 maritime instructors, only 1 or 2 could teach or do teaching. Some instructors really won't appear unless examinations!

Since my brain won't really acknowledge poor instructors at all. I did tried to chew all of it when I reached the third year and yes it was a piece of cake. Effort was done on the first semester in terms of academics. I don't mind anymore what happened on the second semester of the year but yeah, I wasn't really satisfied. None of these subjects excites me except Psychology and none of these instructors motivates me and so I'm sleepy the whole semester once again then graduated as a Cum Laude but not because of this stupid instructor who grades randomly. Here comes the apprenticeships and my life at sea. 

Next: Rise and Fall

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