School of Enchanted Dwellers

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        Here's a little bit of background of what I knew with our Elementary School. The school was heard as a graveyard before which is quite common in Philippines; though, I don't have any valid proof to support the said hear says. The school is a ground of bats. It smells like pee in most places. During vacation time, while the school is not guarded very well; we used to go there to get vegetables which is quite abundant since nobody really owned it and we students are the one who planted it. The values education class time isn't a class at all. The teachers used it for ground beautification and so during vacation, it is usually a harvest time. There were no proper gates, at school and the guards are only appearing by the evening time. Everybody is free from coming in and out even night time though. While the school is dead silent during vacation days, I used to be there. It is my ground. Using my father's bicycle I kept moving around the school premises as if I enjoyed the school very well when silence is so loud and clear. I missed those days. Now I'm full of responsibilities and all kinds of stuff. Wanna be a kid again but my childhood is nothing good so let move on. kek. 

        One of the best spot I used to go is the soccer field and a cotton fruit tree as a shelter in it. It is located at the back of the gymnasium which is just around the school premises. While being on that tree, I know the drill. I mustn't hurt that tree. There are nails in some part of it and taints come together. I always sat on this tree and removed its red-orange taints because I felt like it's crying from the nails. On the other hand I can't remove the nails since I felt like I hurt the tree once again and I don't have the strength in my arms to do so. There is also this Narra tree which is in front of my classroom when I was a 3rd grader. Many instances that there were no air around and the leaves aren't moving except the four or three leaves. I kept watching it. The tree is so big and it eases me to sat on it but during the night time, this is the only place that I will never go. I was there one time watching the tree during the night, my vision beats me. The tree is getting bigger and bigger as I watched over it and I felt like I'm getting smaller and smaller. I ran away from that tree after that and never came back during the night except the day.

        So many occurrences I have seen in this school and I felt like I'm being part of it. It is actually full of enchanted dwellers! My eyes don't believe it when I saw a something like dwarf behind a squash! It's laughter is a pure enchantment. You can hear its laugh not from behind the squash but its laughter is inside your head! I thought it was a Sigbin - a creature in Philippine mythology. Seriously, Philippines has a lot of mythological creatures. It's funny to hear some. In this school, I also have seen the biggest bat. Big enough to carry me maybe as a small kid. Its wings span is just too wide. This is at the back of our school canteen during vacation.

My sister Chin kept telling me that I mustn't believe to what my eyes could see because it's deceiving me. Sister Chin is the most intelligent in our siblings. She worked really hard even when she was on grade school. She made it well and became the class valedictorian and Cum Laude in Accounting field during college. She was my father's favorite. We have three years in gap. She used to stay up late at night in school for some activities that I really don't know. I as a brother accompanied her since there we're computers in the area where she worked on and it makes me happy.

        One night there was a black-out. In front of this room where we are is the Mayor's house. As soon as the black out came, an emergency light in the Mayor's house automatically turns on. As it lightened the room somehow, I saw a huge black figure like a Grim Reaper passed by outside flying from nowhere. I thought I've been seeing things too much and I don't want my brain to acknowledge of what I saw but when I affirm my sister about it without even telling a word yet, she shut me off and made a strict eye-impression on me. It means to say that she saw what I've seen and she don't want to talk about it. There were many cases that she shares paranormal experiences on her late nights stay in the said school. While I on the other hand, almost every night, I came in because it makes me feel awesome. Crazy little kid. We also shared the same paranormal experienced to be written in the next chapters. There were gangster lurks at night in the school and they knew me well as the night lurker so they don't do harm and most of them are actually my sisters classmates. Sister Jenny, a self-confessed black sheep of our family. One of the reasons of my roam around habits is I'm watching over her if she's there late at night as a grade school. It pissed me off.

        I don't wanna state everything I saw because like I said. There were too many to mentioned. To say that a chair move on its own or there was a shadow pass-by with no one else was there or 'I feel like someone is watching me huhu' thingy well never be mentioned in this book. It's a pure waste of my time and I only gave thirty minutes to write down a single chapter per day.

        We were finally about to graduate from grade school. We were on the last phase. The sixth grader. Munchkin selling is quite famous in our school. One of the best seller is Mary Jane. I never knew about her. She didn't knew about me. As the normal class resumes, we've been named and been told about a certain issue. There was a rumor of a possessed 6th grader from our school! After hearing it, I always thought that it was the enchanted mahogany tree and the earth dwellers lived in there at the back of the 6th grader building. Because for no reason, my subconscious mind won't allow me to stay close or to stay long in that shelter.

        I was wrong. It was not them who did it. It was us. The possessed 6th grader student  personally named a group of fifth grader from a year ago who have played an Ouija Board. There's one thing I'm sure. She should have not known anything about it. We didn't even tell our classmates about it. She is not within our section. She's from different class. I don't even know her face nor hear her name like I said. 

       Our group was called and been told to visit the said possessed schoolmate. We're worried and sad. We never thought that our game would go that far. Kids meant to play. We don't know what to say. We don't know what to do but we go and pay a visit anyway. To say sorry. To promised not to do it again; and to forget what happened.

Next: Possession of Mary Jane

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