Imaginary Friend

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The quarantine boredom still kicks in. After the crazy cat showed up and the ants wrestled down my room, I ain't satisfied and still won't believe these kind of occurences. I ended up with recording my sleep at night with just audio. At least it won't freak me out that much if it's just unusual sounds that will likely occur in the recording while taking a video is already a different story.

Let's go down a little bit to history. When I was a high school student, I have done everything to make friends. I made myself as loud as I could. I became the joker of the class. A mask shall I say. I am not an outstanding student when it comes to academic so I paired it with extracurricular activities to match a bit. I went into choir though I sound like a goat. I joined clubs that I know I really don't fit in for the grade's sake. I belonged with the Special Science Class so the competition is on. The goal is, make friends as much as I could.

I am focus in my way. I could be different in an instant if I face different people. As for my high school classmates, they called me as jolly, joker and such, while my college classmates called me having my 'Own Whole World'. 

I tried a different view of life when I reached college life.

"I don't need much friends" I said.

"It's better to be alone than to have a bad companion" my 4th class motto.

While having no direction in choosing what course to take, I ended up being part the Scholars in one of the Top Maritime Academy of the Philippines

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While having no direction in choosing what course to take, I ended up being part the Scholars in one of the Top Maritime Academy of the Philippines. It's nothing easy aside from studying for free. It is a semi-military school. In there, I practiced nothing but survival. That I must not quit. I worked hard that I could for my seniors. I've been washing their clothes without any in return. I keep on understanding what 'Senior is always Right' means. I don't talk casually with my classmates and co-cadets. I took everything seriously. I also started to understand that inside the military training, you will know the person's true personality. And they are too selfish, lawbreakers, backbiters, betrayer, defamer, falsifier, traitor and troublemaker. Then I let myself sound different to the rest.

I don't remember very well but there's an activity with our class that made us say about secrets or something. I made myself sound crazy to everyone. When it's my turn to speak in front of everybody else, I told them, "I have my imaginary friend. When I'm alone, we're talking with each other and he helped me in many ways". Literally, people will really that think this guy is crazy. Like how you think about it right now. What I actually mean is, you can't rely on somebody each and everytime. At the end of the day, when you need help, you only have yourself or a friend or two. People will run away when you are in needs. People will stay closer when they are in need. Apart from it, I could live without them. Let me sound crazy to everyone but I will absolutely stand in my own way.

So here comes the recording. I kept myself private of course I can't upload it then. Upon the recording, everything seems good. A little bit of sound is turning on and off but that was my fridge unloading.
April 23 2020, Time 01:49:42 AM - a record of my first sleep talk in audio ever. Here's what I said in English since I'm talking with my mother tounge in that moment.
"Hmmm? What, what?" then answered by an ugly crispy sound like thing in enaudible. Then I answered it back with,
"Hmmm???" In a form of a question then followed by "Uh hmmm." As if we have an understanding with each other. Oh sounds great.

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