God and the Seven Devils

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Before we visited Mary Jane. She was already possessed for many days but her parents couldn't believe until it shows: unnatural body movements, speaking in tongues, insults people, blasphemy, violent, and knowledge! They have hired priests and pastors but Livia will show their weaknesses and insults them about their sins! She only laughed but respond very well to questions then insult them after with tremendous laughter. Mary Jane or Livia left the house two times and so the family decided to locked her up if they're busy. While Livia hates to be locked, she would make Mary Jane pee on her shorts always. She said she won't stop unless she will be set free from those chains. Mary Jane's brother is the one in charged to watch her all day long. They used to fight. Livia is bad. She takes control of Mary Jane's body and bit her when she felt like doing it. 

As the group continued to talked with Mary Jane, I was at the back of the gang. I kept on covering myself from other people. I don't want to do any eye to eye contact with her. Until one time, Mary Jane's stop talking for seconds, watched the floor then direct her looked over me.

"Hey Sid", she said once again with a seduced look on her face and a smile that budge her eye brows.

My classmates thought that she knew me and as if I was Mary Jane's grade school crush and they laughed. They were all wrong. The one who greeted me as we arrived the house is not Mary Jane because Mary Jane don't really know me. It's Livia. The one who gives the seductive look that chills down my spine is not Mary Jane, it's again Livia. What makes her smile? What makes her excited of seeing me? Nobody knows about this. Not one from our group. It seems I made a good relationship with the tree and Livia is there watching me. I felt leaving the place after the attention was given to me. I need to leave or she might insult the crazy things I've been doing as a kid that nobody knows. It was not our last encounter though.

More questions were asked by Jessie. She talked about her life; of, what is going to happen now that she is possessed. They also interviewed Livia. They asked Livia to leave Mary Jane's body. Livia says sorry. She insisted not to do so for so many reasons. She said she possessed the girl otherwise some worst Devils will possess her. What Livia is doing to her body is nothing compared to what the devils would do. They were way worst she said with a serious look on her face. Livia's voice is really different. You can really tell if it's her as well as her actions. It's almost an hour talking to Livia as they pushed her to left Mary Jane's body. She's gone mad then she named SEVEN DEMONS including Lucifer (***I only knew Lucifer so the rest mentioned didn't registered to my mind***). She said, it is possible to left her body. But the SEVEN DEMONS will feast on Mary Jane's body. They were fighting to owned it. The body is perfect vessel for them she said. You people here me out; evils are liar. She might not stating the truth but I personally believed that  Livia is not joking. I can feel it. She's saying the truth and it's really not a joke if it happens that way. 

I felt that the demons where present nearby. Not close to us but they're near. My body hair keeps standing as I was there. My ego keeps telling me to leave. It's really not just Livia who's in there. I can't stay any longer. It's eating me up. They're watching us. They're watching me. Other than Hi's and Hello's, Livia never talked to me but she keeps on watching me. As if she is concerned. I can tell that she knew what I was thinking and for that reason she keeps her mouth shut about me. Though her eyes keep watching over me.

After talking with Livia they again asked Livia to let Mary Jane speak. After that, Livia politely left the conversation on that time and made Mary Jane talk non-stopped. As they saw the personal behavior of Mary Jane, they were sure that it was her and so the girls again cried. They continued the conversation;

"Mary Janeeee, sorry. We're so sorry. We are stupid but we're just kids right? Why they chose you? We're good friends. We're neighbors. They can have me instead." Jessie said. Sherlyn (one of the six) snaps Jessie's back for saying it.

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