Bombs and Bombs

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(If you're right away curious of who's that guy in the photo, well that's me. This book will be available in the Amazon soon so I still have to dox anyway. Location: Bao-Bao Falls).

My travel experiences continued. Since I'm at home, I usually travel with my classmates or co-agents in real estate. I've been catching cold waters, falls, rivers and sea. I damaged my right ear at some point because of water but I never really care. Being alive for me is enough. Away from stress free and struggles in life.

One night I've dreamed of seeing a box in some place I never knew. It's a square box and if I recon, it's a treasure box! Maybe this will pave the way to giving me treasures through dreams and might happen into reality! How cool is that. But no, the moment I stepped on that box, it explodes. Dang it was so vivid like I was really in there and the pressure, the impact is on, everything is so real while I dropped myself on the bed a bit further. So that's how it feels when you stepped on a landmine or something. I'm the only living creature who could tell the tale of how it feels then but through vivid dreams.

There were five of us agents who went to this falls named Bao-bao falls. It was a beautiful one and I kept coming back in here because it's the only falls near to us that is actually accessible and less hassle. So, I followed the falls stream going up to see good spots and meditate if possible. I went further and further away from where we started in, and I felt the majestic presence of something I called the Universe.

It chills me down. Like the trees talk back to me and my call. The rushing waters, it's like music to my ears. How I perceived things is way too different from normal people. I never tried drugs but it felt like I was on drugs. Everything was so cool and solemn until I saw this perfect square box shaped thing with its body buried on the land. It was that moment I remember about my dream and the entirety of it being a bomb to me so I stayed away from it. I was questioned and thinking of calling my father who's into this kind of things and got some instruments to detect bombs and treasures. We've been there before.

I stayed away nice and slow. If my dreams call it to save myself then I simply follow. I've been saved many times with my dreams and was just an example of it. I am a dreamer but as much as my father. The only problem is that, our dreams never matched. Here you listen.

I don't remember what year but I think it's been 4 years had passed when my father is so much into treasure haunting with his colleagues. Though I was happy since my father had an activity for himself since he's already retired, I actually don't like the idea of him being on the area of where bombs and gasses are possibly there. They got instruments though to detect those things but it was just too dangerous to think of it.

I mentioned on the previous chapters I think. It's about our place Agusan del Sur where Japanese had buried a lot of golds from place to place since it's by the river. Our house before is in between two rivers like Mesopotamia. Each year or twice a year, I huge flood usually occur in the month of December to January. This will bury our house under water when both waters connect. Since we're used to it, we just move on and fix things back to what it is.

So, my father had enlightened me one day about he's gift of dreams. He said God gave him the gift of knowledge so by the use of only two bamboo sticks, he could be able to tell where the gold is on the area. I said 'Okay'. Then, he started telling me about his instruments that he used to find gold but then again they found nothing, and test it at home. This freaking instrument detected some shit or I don't know inside the house, especially my own room! It was a pure devastation.

He started to dig in and damage the entire floor because the instrument said so. He also has the spiritualist who would perform a ritual before they start the digging operations. This spiritualist could see ghosts. It's their forte. As he arrived on the house he told us of this and that - which made their mind scared for a lifetime. The spiritualist had pointed out that below our sink, a kid is buried in their together with two other body. He also says that below our ground is like a cave where people could actually fit in and bombs and golds are deposited in our area. Thanks to him, my parents believed that I kept seeing a kid in our house and a tall man dressed in brown. Though they matched, I hate the fact that my room is about to get plowed and so it did.

It's okay for sure if we found something but something in the middle of digging, there was a part that needed a huge material to dig more. It was like a cemented part and happily my father stopped digging. Thanks for destroying my room though.

The same thing happened as they moved to some other place. They we're so happy because they dig enough. One day, they took a photo of how far have they dig in. Surprisingly, they didn't dig a bomb or something. As the photo was taken, my father and the rest of them saw on the phone that down the deepest hole, a soldier appeared where in reality they didn't see anything. Because of that, they stopped again the operations. Just wow. Thanks for wasting my money though. At last, that bomb that make them stop is a bomb man after all. LOL. (Wished I had the photos).

NEXT PART: The Fortune Teller

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2022 ⏰

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