The children of the gods

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 A/n: this a Percy Jackson story if you like it I might make a full story and I change Percy's age to 15

Percy woke up in the infirmary being fed food cause he just fought with the minotaur. Asleep but in pain from all the stuff that happened to him, but still made his way to the camp.

It was Y/n who was feeding him not Annabeth, the lost, the only daughter of Persephone, the goddess of growth, fertility, and love. After marrying Hades, god of the Underworld, Persephone also later became the goddess of various occult themes including reincarnation and ghosts.

which meant Y/n had those powers but it made people fear her, she wasn't like the other demigods she was born with both human parents but she was an incarnation of Persephone.

Y/n was watching Percy sleep and she felt some connection to him she couldn't explain. She noticed he was sleep-talking,  and sweating like he was having a nightmare. She wiped his forehead with a cloth that was cold and wet, It woke him up a little.

He caught her eyes she had an E/c that felt safe, and her H/c was beautiful but there were highlights of blue and green with a little red in her hair which he didn't know was due to her gods of parents, she was born with those colors in her hair. Her hands were soft to the touch and it reminded Percy of his mother's soft touch. He placed his hands on hers as it fell onto his cheek.

"Hey...I'm not your mom but I'll take care of you for now, okay?'' she said so softly that he just knew she must have been a dream so he said "Are you a dream?'' He fell back to sleep and she watched him until it was morning and she had chores to do. 

Percy woke to Grover asking him if it was all real, the minotaur, his mom but he didn't ask about the girl that was there with him all night.

Percy did his best to figure out what was happening but it was hard, his best friend was a goat, his favorite teacher was a horse, and all the oddness that was happening to him.

Later Chiron showed Percy around and into cabin 11 which was Hermes's cabin where he met Luke, But he noticed Y/n who was making a blanket out of vines which he found interesting, she felt eyes on her so she looked up and they met eyes, Percy's heart shake like an earthquake and Y/n got up when she saw him and left the cabin.

Luke said to Percy "That's Y/n L/n she is the daughter of Persephone but she is a little shy, but badass" he said with fondness as though he liked her and Percy felt something in his stomach.

It was later when Luke was showing Percy around camp but the Clarssie bumped into Percy giving him crap Y/n saw this from afar but she knew it wasn't the time to get in a fight.

Y/n was busy for the whole day so she didn't see Clarssie bully Percy in the bathroom but when her best friend Annabeth told Y/n what happened Y/n felt so angry.

That night after Annabeth told Y/n what happened she went into the woods with sand in her hand, made a circle, and sat in the center she did this often this is how she prayed to her parents for strength for the next day. They never answered her and she hated them for it so she left.

The next day the cabins were training it was Luke's turn to take over and he wanted to teach Percy new things "Alright today Y/n and I will show you how to fight if blinded" he explained and he nodded at Y/n. She tied her hair up and Percy never took his eyes off her and he noticed Luke saw this. But then Percy saw a moon tattoo with a star in the center of it on Y/n's neck.

"blindfold on," Luke said and Y/n obeyed but she did something even Luke didn't know, she slipped off her shoes so she was barefoot "Now I can see but Y/n can't" he explained then swang his sword at Y/n but she dogged it and she kept doing it with each swang Luke did.

She was fine, Percy thought like she wasn't out of breath unlike Luke but then she got down onto a handstand and used her legs and grabbed Luke with her legs flinging him down onto the dirty ground and she pinned him down with her foot on his chest.

"you've gotten better at this, princess," Luke said and Percy felt that gut feeling again and she took off her blindfold "Yeah,  well,  You never know when it might help, Luke the puke," she said helping him up and Percy just didn't know why he felt this way.

"Now Percy," he said and Percy got up and they trained for an hour but she kept winning this time she did the same move she did on Luke but she was pulled down by Percy which made her fall onto him almost as though there was only 0.5 inches apart from each other.

They both blushed and Luke pulled Y/n off "Alright that's enough for today, get ready for dinner now" Y/n nodded at Luke and waved at Percy.

Luke felt jealousy unlike before as he saw Percy staring at Y/n walking away. They didn't say anything to each other just went their ways Percy walked into the woods but he heard a voice it was Y/n she was near the beach shore so he walked over to her.

"Hey, I feel like I should introduce myself better, I'm Percy Jackson" he explained she said her name and then faced the water "Do you swim?'' she asked and he nodded "Yeah learned from a young age," he said then out of nowhere with no warning Y/n took off her shirt and Percy turned as fast as he could "Don't worry, I have underclothes on" he face her and she wore a black bra on with matching shorts which he blushed and she jumped into the water with a scream of joy!

"Oh come on! join me" she said splashing the water at him so he took off his clothes (don't be gross plz) but his shirt got stuck on a branch so she came over to him "Here, let me help" She pulled the shirt off him and his blue eyes met hers, the touch of his skin on her fingertips felt like warm water and they just looked at each other. The tension in the air was strong and the grasshoppers were singing so she looked away.

"Come on, before the sun sets" She rushed into the water and Percy joined her, they splashed each other with water, and while Percy was in the water he felt free. Y/n went under the water and pulled Percy down she laughed from under the water. He loved the way she smiled when they came up for air the sun was going down and the light made Y/n's skin glow like a fire from a light candle.

she meant everything to him just from the few hours they had known each other. Their laughter filled the lake they were swimming in. Then the horn for dinner blew so they got out of the water and dried off but he saw the tattoo again "Where you get that?'' he asked pointing at her neck and she covered it with her hair "I was born with it" she explains but not much more than that.

They got fully dressed and they walked through the woods together Y/n heard a noise so she grabbed Percy's hand making them hold hands the whole time. They talked the whole time about everything they could before they reached the dinner area.

they said Goodbye for a moment and she went over to her table Luke noticed that both Y/n and Percy's hair was wet and he wondered why.

The whole time Percy watched Y/n from afar she was near the fire so the glow matched her eyes, beautiful. "So have you heard about Capture the Flag and the after-party?'' Luke broke the silence "Mhm?'' Percy hummed just staring at Y/n "Yeah, if one side wins they could choose one person they could kiss, without making it uncomfortable for both of the people cause it's a like a rule" he said and Percy faced him

"Why? That seems so rude, what if the other person doesn't want that?'' He asked and Luke explained that it was a game that the gods made like Truth or dare, just a little dramatic and if they felt a cold air it meant they were not a match and they were enemies but if the air was warm they be each other half.

A/n: should I make a another part? cause I like this! leave a comment!

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