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I was streaming or live-streaming Minecraft with Walker and I knew this was gonna end worse than when he played with Brady in Fortnite but it was worth a shot, right?

I opened a new world and invited Walker "Yo, Yo, Yo! Let's make some noise!" Walker said and I moved my headphones away from my ears "Let's not make some noise unless you want me to go deaf!" I said to him in a grumble.

But moving on, I started cutting down trees with an axe I got in the bonus chest when I heard Walker "Y/n! Go!" before I could turn a creeper blew up and I was trying to keep my cool "Walker?'' he hummed "Hmm?'' like he knew what was coming "Why was a creeper following you?'' I asked.

"I tried to get gunpowder" I was about to ask why but I didn't want to know why. I started building us a house but Walker was nowhere to be seen and I started getting worried. I would just hear him curse to himself ever so often.

Then he came back "I ALMOST DIED!!!" he said as 5 dogs followed him "What were you doing?'' he went silent for a moment "It's a surprise, Love" I blushed hoping no one in the comments would catch that but some of them did.

"OMG! Y/n blushed😱"

"what's Walker trying to do?''

"the way Y/n just folded"

"Walker's has been taking notes about rizzing from Aryan 😈"

after a few days in the game, we decided we should go mining so that's what we TRIED to do. It did not go very well at all. I died in the lava 20 times, got killed by skeletons, and Walker hit me with his sword because I was trying to give the villagers a poppy "WALKER! YOU FUCKING JUST KILLED ME!!"  I screamed through my mic

"Oh no! I'm dead" he said running away when I got back which led me to chase him the whole time until night "I'm sorry! I thought you had more hearts"

"I will find my diamond sword and hit you with it if you pull that shit again!" I threatened 

"Aww look at the love birds" the comments went on and on the whole time "🥹 they are so cute"

 Later we went exploring and of course, I got distracted by the pandas we went by. I tried to feed them the whole time but Walker got annoyed at this. "Y/n, come on, we need to go now!" he said but I replied "But the panda," I said in a kinda baby voice

"Boi don't take her away from her panda!" comments were defending me from Walker trying to make me leave the adorable panda which always made me laugh.

"The fans are saying you should not take me away from the panda," I said which he replied "The panda is taking you from me" I could jealous in his tone 

so he went off to his 'surprise' and left me alone...which I was curious about what he was doing but the panda was too cute to leave!!!

After 2 hours of playing, he came up to me "Right! I'm done! Y/n come here'' he said sending me his location so I followed it and it was this beautiful flower garden with a house in the center.

"Walker? What is this?'' I asked blushing so hard "Well...I know we haven't really talked about us" I was trying to control how red my face was "What do you mean about us?"

 "The fact that I've been crushing on you for like months now trying to give you signs that you ignore" I felt guilty and dumb.

"Walker making a move? 🤨" 

"Y/n the Aidren Agreste of Scobell's world 🙂 Blind!" 

"What's going on?! I just joined!!!"

"So I made us a house that we could move in together like the one I want to make for us in real life," he said and I wanted so badly to kiss him but he wasn't in the room "Will you be my boyfriend?'' I asked and he joked" did you just asked me over a game of Minecraft?''

"Yeah, nothing more romantic than that!" I said and then my phone sent me a notification "The answer is yes!" "I would love to be your boyfriend" I could feel his smile through the mic.

"OMG, They're official!"

"Minecraft just got better"




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