Are we?

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@Lovemylife2211 thx for the idea!

I hate everything about her, she just got on my nerves and I couldn't explain why. She is the worst person to be stuck with! which of course I was stuck with Y/n. our class was going on a trip and she was my partner on this trip. we got in consistent fights I wanted to obey the rules but she wanted to do her own thing.

The woods are where she liked to be and we were supposed to stick together but she never stayed by my side. it was like a kid in a candy store and I was the parent. after walking for a bit looking for Y/n I found her but she seemed worried "Y/n let's go, don't make me drag your ass back" she hushed me in a tone I didn't like.

"Oh, I'm sorry that my voice annoys you!" I snapped "GOD WHY ARE YOU SO HARD TO GET AWAY FROM?!" she shouted and we started getting into an argument yet again. "Well maybe if you didn't run off!"

 but then this man in a beenie and torn clothes appeared "Hey," he said I studied his brutal face and he came closer to Y/n "You two okay? You look lost" he said with a smile and Y/n didn't take her eyes off him like he was a target on the move.

"No, Sir, we're not lost we're just talking," Y/n said griping her hands so hard that they turned white and he stepped closer to Y/n "You are beautiful, you know that right?'' he said and Y/n flinched this man looked in his 50s "Umm...Thanks...I guess..." she stammered and I looked at him looking her up and down.

something about this made me uncomfortable... Why was this man in the middle of the woods talking to Y/n like he wanted to f- I don't know! I just didn't like it and wanted to get away. 

"You know, you remind me of another girl I knew once" he gave us a toothy smile that showed his yellow teeth and missing one. Was he homeless? he sure looked like one.

"I think we should head back to our class, Y/n let's go!" I said taking her hand and trying to get away from this man but he said "Oh, come on I'm so bored I want to play with you guys" he pulled out something from his pocket. Y/n and I shared a look of fear 

"I just want to see your insides," he said taking out a knife Y/n looked at me and said faster than I could've "RUN!" we started rushing through the woods as this man chased us and Y/n was looking back but she almost tripped "Don't look back!" I exclaimed and then she saw something 'You are gonna have to trust me!" she said and I wanted to deny her but we were running for our lives as this crazy man tried to gut us.

I nodded and she looked over a cliff we stopped at and we turned as we heard him chuckle "I like it when they run" he said and I kept my eyes on him and then Y/n said to me "Can you swim?!" she sounds scared.

"Yeah, I can swim!" she sighed "I can't believe this!!" she pushed me off the cliff and I landed in a river but I swam up to see he was holding Y/n up struggling by her shirt and I screamed "Y/n!!!" she kicked him and started falling into the river but something was wrong! she wasn't coming up so I looked for her and I saw her. 

I noticed she was stuck and not moving so I went and pulled her out and went onto land. I pulled her onto the land panicking hard, she wasn't breathing, and she had a gash on her head. I started pumping her chest but she still wasn't breathing.

 I was getting terrified but I did one more pump before I leaned in to do CPR but she coughed up the water. I pulled her into a tight hug not letting her go. I didn't realize I was gripping onto her "Don't pull that shit again!" I said

Y/n pulled away and put pressure on her head looking at the blood on her hands " AH Fuck!" she groaned and tried to get up but she fell onto her knees "You probably have a concussion" I said and of course, her mood is not any better "Don't tell me what I have!" but she wasn't doing good and I looked up and saw that man still standing there.

Y/n looked up where I was and pulled my hand "We have to find help" she said but I felt it wasn't gonna help us but we had to try, right? I needed to get Y/n to a hospital for that gash.

but as we walked the sky was going dark so she looked at me as she limped away and I knew she wasn't gonna let me help her 

A/n: Ima leave with that! should I make a part two? but the next chapter will be for a friend that gave me a great suggestion!

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