injury pt 2

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I was lying in the hospital bed messing with my bracelet made from guitar picks from my favorite bands and singers. And it was a gift from Walker/my crush/BFF.

 as I thought about well...Everything. I was staring at the pale ceiling wishing for something fun or interesting to happen. but nothing. Just alone with My thoughts!

Thinking about the whole thing that just happened with Walker made me so anxious with the thought of what if he doesn't like me, but that thought has always been there, the same thought that stopped me from asking Walker to be my boyfriend.

Me being a stupid idiot and decided to piss off my ballet teacher that wouldn't stop giving me shit about doing the move wrong so of course I decided to wear my shoes skateboarding which l lead me here.

I couldn't stand the silence anymore so I put some Tom Hiddleston being Loki memes on. I would watch the show but it made me cry each time the ending came, mostly the last season finale. Why did Loki have to save everyone by trapping himself in that odd timeline thing?!

I felt my foot aching as I descended senselessly but I needed the sleep and wanted to stop thinking about Walker but I couldn't. The way his blue ocean watercolored eyes sparkled, the way he smiled, the way he would let me borrow his sweaters whenever I came over to his place, and the way it always smelled like him but not in a creepy way, or the way he would do that dumb yet funny thumbs up.

pondering each reflection of him made me miss him. I had been left alone for a few hours and now visiting hours were over so I was just in the dark room. I pulled out my phone and texted Walker wiping tears off my face. The pain was crushing my brain and I just wanted someone to talk to

Y/n: Walk the talk, u up?                                           yea, can't sleep: Walker

                                                                                             What's up?: Walker

      Y/n: Im sad being alone ☹                                             

                                             maybe next time don't hurt yourself: Walker     

We ended up facetime each other the whole night which made me feel so much better just hearing Walker's voice put me to sleep and the pain easier to deal with. The next morning I got the okay that I could go home but I would need help with things and to rest, give my foot some time 

My mom rushed in and hugged me saying she hated being apart from me that night and my dad looked like he didn't sleep and had been running on my mom's coffee just as much as she was. My baby sister touched my foot asking if I was okay but it stung I didn't want to make her sad so I kept that hiss in. My brother gave me the look of 'You okay?'' and then Walker entered the room making me blush.

"Alright, I got Y/n," he said to my family with a sly smile and I was frecking out "Why do you have that evil smile?'' I asked and he replied, "Because of this!" he picked me up bridal style and I squealed like a chipmunk "WHEN DID YOU GET THIS FUCKING STRONG?!" I cursed redder then and he curried me to the car the whole time.

I kept asking if I was heavy but he seemed to have no problem with me. We got in the car and we had a really big car so he sat next to me and I felt my eyes get weighty.

A/n: should I make part 3??  

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