are we? pt 2

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As I walked down the empty woods with Y/n, I couldn't shake off the feeling that we were being followed. I turned around to check to see if the strange man was lurking in the shadows. However, before I could say anything, Y/n let out a grunt of pain, and I quickly turned my attention back to her. She was hobbling along, clutching her side, refusing my offer to help. I could tell that her injury was bad, but she was determined to keep going. As we continued down the dark forset, I heard her mumbling under her breath, and I couldn't help but wonder if she was blaming me for this whole ordeal.

As the sun began to set, the dense woods grew darker, and I stopped walking with Y/n. I looked up at the sky, which was turning orange and red. Y/n turned to me, and with a hint of desperation in her voice, she said, "Fine, let's make camp here for tonight. In the morning, we'll continue our search for someone who can help us, perhaps the cops." Her voice trailed off, and I could see that she was in pain. The blood from her gash had dripped down the side of her head and was still flowing, staining her hair and clothes. She must have been hurt badly, but she was trying to stay strong.

I remember telling her to sit down, as I was worried about her safety. However, she refused, insisting on handling things on her own. This led to an argument between us, as I couldn't understand why she had to be so stubborn. In the heat of the moment, I shouted at her, waving my hands, "if you had not run away, we wouldn't be in danger of losing our lives!!" It was like a volcano had erupted inside me, and I couldn't control my emotions.

However, she didn't take kindly to my outburst and retorted that it was because of me that she was running away in the first place. I was taken aback, as I had no idea that she thought this way. She then stormed off, saying that she needed to get supplies. I stood there, feeling helpless and frustrated. I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to figure out what to do next. Should I go after her? Should I let her go? I was torn, and the adrenaline coursing through my veins was not helping my decision-making process.

As I stood there waiting for her, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as I thought about her safety. Despite our differences, I didn't want anything bad to happen to her. What if she was in danger? What if the man who had been following us had caught up to her? I couldn't just sit there and do nothing, so I decided to go look for her. 

As I walked down I suddenly felt a hand clasp over my mouth, pulling me backward. I tried to fight back, but then the person turned me around and I saw it was Y/n. Relief washed over me as I realized that it was her and not our pursuer. "Shh!" she whispered, placing a finger to her lips. At that moment, I couldn't help but admire her beauty even covered in blood. My heart raced as I looked at her lips and then into her eyes, feeling a knot form in my stomach. 

But then, I heard a loud snap. My heart sank as I recognized the sound of the man who had been chasing us. He had caught up, and we were in trouble. 

I felt Y/n's hand grip mine tightly, her nails digging into my skin as she held back a sob. I could sense her fear growing, and I knew that we were in trouble. and the air was thick and musty.

Y/n was trying to think of a way out, but I knew that it was unlikely. We had heard the voice of the man who had brought us here getting closer and closer, and I knew that our chances of escaping were slim. His voice was filled with malice, and I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up as he spoke.

"I know you two are here," he taunted. "You really thought you could get away from me that easily?" His voice was getting louder, and I could hear his footsteps approaching. The tension in the air was almost suffocating, and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.

I considered making a run for it, but I knew that it was hopeless. Y/n couldn't run, and even if we both could, the man was faster than us, even though he was older. We were trapped, and the only thing we could do was wait and hope that someone would come to our rescue.

Suddenly, without warning, he appeared out of nowhere and grabbed Y/n by the arm. She let out a terrified scream and we both fell backward onto the ground. He taunted us with a wicked grin, clutching his knife tightly, as we frantically tried to get back on our feet. We rushed forward in a desperate attempt to escape, but Y/n was struggling to keep up and falling behind.

As I turned around, I saw him running towards us, his eyes filled with malice and rage. I knew we had to run, and I grabbed Y/N's hand tightly, pulling her along with me. My heart was beating fast, and I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins as we ran as fast as we could. But he was too fast, and he caught up to us in no time.

 He tackled Y/N with such force that I fell down too. She was crying, and I could see the fear in her eyes as he loomed over her. "I SAID I WANTED TO PLAY!!!" he shouted, his voice echoing in the darkness. Y/N tried to fight back, but he was too strong. I saw her struggling, and I knew I had to do something. Everything was blurry, and my head was spinning, but I managed to grab a rock and push myself off the ground.

I hit him hard in the head knocking him out. I pushed him off y/n and pulled her up she was shaking so hard "I don't want to die'' she said shuddering and then she did something I didn't see coming, she hugged me, crying.

a/n: should i make a part 3?

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