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If you are wondering, Yes, My boyfriend Walker Scobell, an actor, was super protective of me.  So today is an example I pulled a prank on him by getting a hoodie ten times my size and placed it in my closet the before he came over to see.

As he arrived at my place, I was deeply engrossed in designing a dress, as I had aspirations of becoming a fashion designer. Suddenly, without any prior warning, he burst into the room, his face beaming with joy, and hugged me tightly from behind, causing me to let out a loud, startled scream. "WALKER, YOU SCARED ME!!!" I shouted, my heart racing with excitement and surprise.

As he leaned in to kiss me, he explained with a sheepish grin, "Sorry, couldn't help myself." I smiled in response, savoring the moment of intimacy. Suddenly, a cold gust of wind swept into the room, sending a shiver down my spine. Seizing the opportunity for a harmless prank, I casually asked, "Hey, could you grab me a hoodie from the closet?" He obliged, making his way over to my wardrobe while I continued to browse through my dresses.

As he reached for the hoodie, his brow furrowed in confusion. "Whose hoodie is this?" he asked, eyeing it closely. I could tell he was suspicious, so I played along with the prank and put on my best nervous act. "Oh, that's just my ex's hoodie," I said, my voice shaking slightly. "I must have forgotten it was in there."

The man's face twisted with a hint of anger as he replied, "Oh, yeah? Why did they become your ex?" He eyed the hoodie with a suspicious look, as though it was cursed by an evil demon. I took a deep breath and replied, "He ignored me the whole time we were together," trying to make it seem like it was a real relationship, even though it wasn't.

"Oh? May I have the scissors please, princess?" he asked which I handed to him he cut the hoodie top off and I gasped at him doing that like he had no care in the world. He must have been spending too much time with my dad. 

Walker and my dad. Walker seemed to be in some sort of trouble and was asking my dad for help. My dad, being the helpful person he is, immediately asked, "What can I do for you, Walker?"  only because I was there. I asked him to be nice to Walker when we started dating.

My dad looked at the hoodie and then back at Walker with a curious expression on his face. "Chainsaw?" he asked, seemingly puzzled. I remembered that my dad owned a chainsaw and a slugeaxe, and that he was very protective of me.

Without wasting any time, my dad and Walker left the house, and I watched from my window as they made their way to the backyard. The boys put down the hoodie, and I could hear the sound of the chainsaw starting up. They had both put on safety glasses, and Walker did his signature thumbs-up sign. I wondered what they were up to, but I trusted that my dad would keep everything under control.

As I stood there, utterly bewildered, I witnessed my dad taking the chainsaw to the hoodie. I watched in amazement as pieces of the hoodie went flying all over the yard. It was a surreal sight to see my dad grinning from ear to ear, just like he would when he uses the chainsaw on a piece of wood.

 On the other hand, Walker heaved a sigh of relief, as if a massive weight had been lifted off his chest. I could scarcely believe what I was seeing! I'd never imagined that they'd be laughing together like this. Walker had always been so frightened of my dad, convinced that he would end up dead, but here they were, sharing a moment of laughter and camaraderie.

Then after a few minutes, Walker entered the room with the pieces of the hoodie in his hands with smile "Next time you want a hoodie, I take off mine, alright, oh, and by the way you have stuff for the dress" he said.

"I was completely taken aback by the situation that unfolded before me. It was shocking to see him join forces with my father, and I couldn't wrap my head around what was happening. To imagine what Walker would do if he were a real person is truly mind-boggling to me."

I couldn't contain my laughter as I gleefully narrated the details of the prank I had just pulled off. Walker let out a deep sigh, clearly not amused by my antics. It was then that I realized that he was the only person I had been dating lately. 

The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt a sudden urge to make things right, to show him how I really felt. So, I mustered up the courage to lean in and plant a kiss on his lips. As I did, I felt his strong hands gently grip my waist, sending a shiver down my spine and causing my heart to race with excitement.

As he spoke those words, "Damn, Next time though, I'll get my revenge," his eyes seemed to twinkle with mischief, and I tilted my head in confusion as I asked, "When's that?" 

with a smile. Suddenly, he leaned over and planted a soft kiss on my neck, causing my body to freeze for a moment. As I felt his lips on my skin, I couldn't help but rethink my whole prank and the way he made me feel with just one simple gesture.

And from that moment I never played a prank on him again and if I did you would see a result of the prank.

A/n: I made this as I listen to Walker, Brady, Mikcy, and Conner play Fortnite, why are they so funny?

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