Bittersweet pt 2

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it was weird I never had Y/n on my mind and if she was it was because I was pissed with her but something stung in my head.

My dad entered the room with a plate of blue pancakes and a warm tender smile "Hey Walk Man, how you doing?'' he asked and I didn't know how I could justify that Y/n the same girl that I had ranted about that she was the worst person on this planet and that she belonged in hell was the same person that was living in my head without paying any money.

"Ohhh....I know that look" he said scanning my face like I was a piece of "delightful" homework "What look?'' I doubted but he soughed the name "Y/n" and I faced him in complete shock "N-No" I attempted to deny it but he knew better "Okay...Fine, I guess I'm crushing over her?'' I declared as though it was a question I didn't understand how to answer.

"Describe," Dad said sitting next to me and I sighed like it felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulder so I decided it was best to tell my own blood than someone else. I may have gone into detail about how I felt and my dad being my dad replied "I didn't think you were the type to lose your sanity for a girl" I smiled at him through my head being buried in my hands "I didn't think so either"

The next day at set:

I was in the makeup trailer getting ready for the next scene I had with Y/n today which was gonna be the first time I had seen her today which was odd for me since I was debating if I had feelings for her.

I was done with the makeup which was my least favorite part of working, it made my skin itch. I was walking to set when I heard Y/n's voice. It sounded as though she was sad "Oh, you think it was easy for me?!" she expressed with her voice breaking

 "Oh but you do have it easy!!" someone else said so I stepped closer but out of view "Easy?! I had to get my whole family to come out here for this, I had to mesmerize each line which meant rereading 50 times, and I have to deal with my anxiety along with this!!!" she hissed holding back tears.

"I have cried myself to sleep cause I think I'm not good enough for this role, or any no matter how hard I work" and I felt that in my chest like I had been stabbed through. I couldn't take it anymore so I jigged over and waved to them to get their attention "Walker? What are you doing here?'' Y/n asked wiping her face and I looked at this guy who seemed to be around our age but he had dark blonde hair and wore a leather jacket.

"Hey, I'm Walker Scobell, and you are?'' I questioned and Y/n replied for him with a bitter tone "This is Marus, My ex but not really" she said and I wanted nothing more to punch him. "Your ex?" I questioned with a bit of jealousy creeping into my head and mostly my heart.

"for your information, Goldier, all we did was hold hands cause he was too busy looking at other girls," she said crossing her arms and now I wanted to beat him up "That was not! nevermind! But come on! You do have it easy" he said 

"Dude, you are a single child, have someone else do your school work, and not to mention you don't work at any place whatsoever," she said and I nodded agreeing with her out of my control."Okay, Marus, we have to get to work, so you better leave or I'll call security," I said taking Y/n's hand and dragging her away from this asshole. 

We arrived at the set and Y/n was cleaning herself up but she had missed a spot right near her eye so I used my thumb to wipe her tears "I'm sorry for all the crap I have given you" I apologized and she smiled a bit.

"Thanks for getting me away from Marus," she said taking my hand "I'm sorry too, the only reason I mess with you is cause I think you're cute," she said planting a kiss on my check and I melted as she walked away making me question what did she mean by "cute?'' 

after all that we got closer each time we saw each other, and later we ended up working together again in other projects which was so great. I may have ended up asking her to be my girlfriend after a day of working together on our newest project but she said to take it slow. but I ended up with her anyway she couldn't resist me, I was too "cute" 

A/n:HI up there is a video I made so check it out please and tell me what you think!! thanks my little luck clovers and stars 

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