Chapter forty-three

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Chapter forty-three

Right after school, Andrea was not surprised when she saw Ryder's car on the parking lot. She hesitantly made her way to his car still thinking about what she had learned about him that morning. When she was in front of the car, Ryder quickly noticed her arrival and opened the door for her. 

"Hey." He greeted as she jumped in the car and carefully threw her bag in the backseat. Ryder grabbed the nape of her neck and brought her face close to him so he could plant a kiss on her forehead. 

"Hi." Andrea replied pulling away and strapping her seat belt on. "Let's go?" 

"Alright." Ryder responded twisting the key bringing the car to life. He pulled out of the parking lot and drove away. "So, I was thinking maybe we could grab something to eat then we could go to the cave. Is that alright with you?" He asked as he grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers together. He placed their intertwined hands on her lap leaving a tingling sensation.

Andrea thought of the answer first. Should she go with him? She was having an internal debate with herself as the conversation she had with Steven played over and over again in her head:

"They will be competing against each other for this year's championship." 

"Competing? As in...?"

"Racing. They will be competing against each other for this year's racing championship."

"Andrea." Ryder called out snapping her out of her thoughts. "You okay?" He asked sincerely bringing her hand close to his mouth and planting a soft kiss on it. Andrea just stared at the gesture and she couldn't help but feel her heart melt over the little kiss.

"Yeah." She breathe out an answer. "I'm fine, I guess I'm just a little out of it today. Probably just tired." She smoothly lied.

"I'll cancel my plan if you want. I'll just drop you home so you could rest." 

"No, no, I'll be fine. Let's go to the cave. I'll just text my mom to inform her." She stated. Andrea figured it was a great chance to ask him about the race and why he didn't mention any of it to her. She wanted to know so badly why he chose to do such a dangerous thing.

"Alright, but if you want to go home, don't hesitate to tell me, kay?" 

"Okay." She nodded as he shot her a smile and she shot him a forced one that he didn't seem to notice.

Ryder drove to Wendy's and got some food and made their way to the cave. They had been driving for half an hour when they finally arrived. Ryder took the food and went to the cabin. Andrea followed suit after him. He inserted the key in the keyhole and twisted the doorknob to enter the cabin. He flicked the lights on with his elbow and settled the bag of food on the center table. 

Andrea glanced around the place. If she didn't know that it was a cabin, she would have thought that it was a home. It might have looked like it was made out of wood outside but it was incredibly beautiful inside. It looked like a hotel, in fact. "Are you sure this is a cabin?" Andrea voiced out her thought placing her bag on the couch. 

"I'm pretty sure." He answered washing his hands on the sink by the kitchen. "Sorry about the mess, it's been a while since I've last stayed here so it's a little dirty." He said causing Andrea to rise her eyebrow. It didn't look dirty to her, not at all. It just looked incredibly shiny. She was afraid that she was going to break something because the cabin was composed of glass furniture. She carefully sat on the couch and waited for Ryder.

Ryder sat beside Andrea and placed the food on the table so they could start eating. He passed her a bottle of hand sanitizer and she gladly took it and applied it on her hands. "Here's yours, your favorite." Ryder said handing her a burger and some fries.

"Thanks." She gratefully said and started eating. They ate in silence not even bothering to start a conversation. Something told Ryder that she was not okay. Since they left school, she had been acting strange and quiet. It was bothering him and he couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. 

After they ate in the agonizing silence, Ryder finally let out a sigh and ended the torture. "Alright, tell me what's wrong." He demanded not bothering to look at her. Her head quickly whipped towards him and bit her lip. "What is it, Andrea?" He asked once again.

Andrea was debating whether to tell him straight and go to the point or slowly make her way there. She released her lip and placed the drink on the table. "Got some hobbies?" She asked deciding to go with option 2. 

"What?" Ryder asked in bewilderment sitting straight up. His eyebrows were furrowed and his lips were slightly pouted.

Andrea sighed and played along. "You know, hobbies. Like sports, music, arts..... racing." She listed without glancing at him. When Ryder heard the last word he was completely astounded. 'How did she find out?' He thought.

"Who snitched?" He questioned humorlessly.

"What matters more is the reason why you didn't tell me, Ryder." Andrea said finally looking at him. She could tell that he was frustrated and furious. He ran a hand through his face and shook his head. "Don't you trust me? I thought you did."

"Andrea, it's not like I don't trust you, I just-" He tried explaining but she cut him off.

"Then what is it, Ryder?!" She demanded. "Racing. Do you have any idea how dangerous it is?! Do you have any idea what you're getting yourself into?!" 

"This is exactly why I didn't tell you!" He screamed in frustration standing up from the couch and started pacing. "I knew who would get mad, I knew you would tell me off! I was just trying to prevent this from happening." He explained.

"But I am already mad, Ryder!" She yelled standing up from the couch as well and stood in front of him stopping him from pacing. "I am furious! How can you do such a thing?!" She asked and he stared at her like she grew another head.

"Are you serious?! Andrea, you have no idea what I've been through. You have no idea how racing saved me. You have no clue how my life changed because of racing and I'm not gonna stop!" He outrageously stated. 

"Even if it hurts the people that are important to you? Even if the lives of your loved ones are in danger? Don't you have a heart, Ryder?!" She shouted poking his chest with her index finger but he didn't even flinched.

"I have nothing to explain to you." He dangerously and calmly said grabbing her hand that was poking his chest. "Stop trying to change me, Andrea. I might have given us a chance but that doesn't mean you could pry in my private life. Stay out of my life, Andrea." He said dropping her hand and completely regretted the words that came out of his mouth when he stared at her glossy tearful eyes. "That wasn't what I mean-" He started trying to comfort her but Andrea pushed him away.

"No, you know what? Fine, I will stay out of your life. You're not the Ryder I've come to know. You're a monster." She declared running out of the cabin leaving a gasping Ryder behind. 


A/N: Oooooh, drama! What do you think?...

Tell me your thoughts and comment! 

I'm almost finish writing this book so stay tuned :)

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