Chapter thirty-two

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait. I've been enjoying summer vacation for the past three weeks. When you really hate waking up early, you'll know what I mean when I say I'm taking advantage of summer...

Anyway, thanks for all your support! I love how you all just vote on every chapter and it makes me happy! Not only that but it also encourages me to write more and update faster!

Happy reading :)


Chapter thirty-two

Red, blue, red, blue...

Andrea let out a groan and slowly opened her eyes. She looked around and saw the sky. She tried to move her arm but pain jotted through her body.

A person wearing all white then approached her. "Please don't move, it might cause further damage to your body." He said as she felt like she was being move.

"What happened?" Her croaked voice asked.

"Miss, please, just get some rest and we'll tell you all about it later."

"No, where's Ryder?" She questioned remembering that she was with him. She tried to recall what happened in her mind and slowly everything came back to her. Ditching class, going with Ryder, the deserted place, the two black cars following them, then crashed! "Where is Ryder?!" She asked more aggressively.

"Please, stop moving miss." The nurses said as they tried to calm her down but she was fighting back. Then one of the nurses injected her and everything became blurry and darkness consumed her once again.

~ * ~ * ~

Andrea heard whispering and quiet sobs near her. She tried to open her eyes but to no avail. It was as if someone was holding her eyes back. She couldn't open them an she felt like her eyelids weigh a ton.

"I can't lose my baby, James." She heard her mother cry an it tore Andrea's heart.

"I know, I know, but the doctor said she will be okay. And I do believe that our little girl is stronger than a steel." Her father said reassuring her. Andrea felt so heartbroken that she was causing emotional pain to her foster parents. Even though they weren't her real parents, they treated and cared for her more than any parents would do and she was very fortunate to have them in her life.

"I hope so." Her mother sobbed and Andrea couldn't stand the pain that was repeatedly shot through her chest when she heard her mother's cries.

She forcefully opened her eyes and brightness invaded her eyesight. She repeatedly blinked and her vision was back. She looked at her right and found her parents on the couch hugging and comforting each other. They haven't notice her yet so she let out a groan causing both of them to look at her.

"Oh, my little Andrea." Her mother cooed as she quickly came to her side and pulled her hand showering it with kisses. She felt so much loved.

"How you feeling, sweetheart?" Her father asked as he went to her other side and rubbed her forehead with his thumb in a comforting way.

"W-wa-water..." She tried to say but her voice was very hoarse and her throat was very dry.

Her mother quickly took the water bottle on the bedside table and slowly lifted Andrea so that the water won't spill. Once the water flowed through her throat, Andrea felt so much better.

"I'm okay, mom, dad. Do you know where Ryder is?" She asked curiously. Her parents looked at each other in concern then looked back at her.

"Sweetie, maybe you should rest. You do need it." Her mother tried stalling her.

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