Chapter eight

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Chapter eight

"Ryder, let go of me!" Andrea pleaded trying to loosen his hold on her wrist but the more she struggled, the more he tightened his grip on her. She knew there was going to be a bruise forming there later.

"Ryder, please!" She whispered when they reached his car. Ryder could sense that she was about to cry because of her cracking voice. He released his hold on her and she quickly rubbed her wrist.

Andrea checked her wrist and it was starting to turn purple. She rapidly hid it behind her back and turned her attention back to Ryder. He was glaring at her.

"Why did you do that to him?" She asked softly.

"You don't know anything, Andrea. Now get in the car." He demanded making his way to the driver's seat and slid in as soon as he unlocked the doors. Andrea sighed and got in.

She put on her seatbelt and hid her left wrist between her legs. It was starting to bruise and she didn't want him to see it. Ryder put on the key and started the car. He pulled up and he sped up. Andrea was scared that they might end up in a coma if he doesn't slow down. It didn't help that he was driving the latest black Ferrari car.

"Ryder, please slow down." She begged gripping on her seatbelt but Ryder speed up even more. "Ryder!" She exclaimed but Ryder didn't listen to her.

"What's wrong with you? Why did you talk to him?!" He shouted.

"Why does it matter? You shouldn't have punched him!" She shouted back.

"He's bad news, Andrea!"

"Oh, and you're not?!" She retorted and Ryder suddenly stepped on the brakes. Andrea almost flew out of the car but she was thankful that her seatbelt saved her although she didn't know how Ryder managed to stay on his seat.

"Do I look like a drug dealer to you?!" He growled glaring at her. Andrea was completely taken a back by his question. She didn't answer him though. "He does drugs, Andrea. And I know for sure that he's a gang member." He stated.

"You don't know for sure." Andrea whispered.

"Godammit, Andrea!" He screamed slapping the steering wheel with both of his hands. "I know him more than you do! The only reason he was talking to you was because of me!"

"Why do you think everything revolves around you?!" Andrea snapped.

"Well if it isn't about me then tell me right now that he never mentioned me in your conversation."

Then, Andrea remembered what she and Steven talked about and what he said replayed in her mind:

'So what are you doing here? Wait, let me guess; you're trying to prove Collins wrong, are you?'

When Andrea didn't answer for about half a minute, Ryder knew that he has right. "I thought so. Now do the smart thing and stay away from him!" He commanded starting to move the car again.

They fell into an uncomfortable silence as Ryder drove her home. After about fifteen minutes or so, they finally arrived in front of her house. Andrea glanced at Ryder but he wasn't looking at her. He was just staring on the road waiting for her to leave.

She unbuckled her seatbelt and opened the door. As soon as she shut the door close, Ryder pulled right away. He didn't even glance at her. He just left like she wasn't even there.

Andrea looked at her wrist again and it was starting to swollen. She sighed and entered the house nervously. She put the key on the hole but before she could even unlock it, the door flew open revealing her worried mother.

"Where have you been?" She asked pulling her into a hug.

"I'm sorry I didn't text or called you." She said pulling away from the hug as she shut and locked the door and they made their way to the living room. "I just went to a party with Ryder. I'm sorry." She explained.

"You got a lot of explaining to do, missy." James glared at her as she looked down to the carpet.

"She went to a party." Karen sighed sitting beside James on the couch.

"When you were suppose to be in the bathroom?" James asked shaking his head disappointedly at Andrea.

"I'm sorry, I told you I was with Ryder." She tried explaining.

"Did he made you go? Forced you?" Her father asked and she quickly shook her head.

"No, no dad. I wanted to come. I just didn't want him driving wasted. I was worried he might do something stupid so..." I trailed off not really knowing what else to say.

James sighed. "You're lucky I didn't call the cops."

"I'm sorry, dad. I'm sorry for worrying you and mom." She apologized.

"Sweetie, what happened to your wrist?" Karen asked eyeing her left wrist suspiciously.

"Um, nothing." She answered hiding her hand behind her back.

"Andrea, I know what I saw. Let me see it." She demanded standing up from the couch and walking towards her.

"Mom, really. It's nothing."

"Andrea Lyse Carson!" Her mother warned and she knew that she was now serious since she said her full name.

Andrea sighed and showed her mom her wrist. Karen gasped and grabbed her arm so she wouldn't be touching her wrist.

"Sweetheart, what happened?" James asked worriedly.

"I - um - I... Hit my hand on the doorknob." She lied.

Karen and James studied her and they knew she was lying but they let her get away with it. For now...

"James, get the first aid kit." Karen ordered as James nodded and went to get the kit.

"Mom, it's fine. I'm fine." Andrea tried persuading her.

"Andrea, who's the doctor here? I know what I'm doing."

~ * ~ * ~

Ryder pulled up to the underground parking lot of his penthouse. He parked his car and got out making his way to the elevator.

He was still piss about what happened at the party. He shouldn't have left Andrea alone. He should have never brought her to the party in the first place. Now, he regretted even coming to the dinner.

When the elevator stopped at his floor, he got out and let out a sigh. He went straight to the fridge and took a bottle of beer. He opened it and took a sip feeling the burning sensation in his throat.

Ryder went to his room and finished the drink until he drifted off to sleep thinking of Andrea.

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