Chapter forty-six

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A/N: Here's an update loves!

Enjoy and Happy New Year!


Chapter forty-six

"Steven, Steven!" Steven tried to open the lids of his eyes but it felt heavy. His head felt like it was repeatedly being hit by a brick and his whole body felt numb. "Steven!" The voice said once again and he finally opened his eyes. His eyes readjusted to the lighting and saw his parents hovering over him.

"Honey, are you okay?" His mother asked worriedly and placed his head on her lap.

"Steven, son, what happened? Were there burglars? The house is a mess, son. I'm calling the police." His father announced as he stood up and fished out his phone from his pocket and dialed 911.

Then everything seemed to be coming back to Steven. The men, the gun, Rina... All of a sudden, he abruptly stood up and held the back of his head where he felt dried blood. He was surprised that he wasn't in the basement's staircase anymore, he was in the living room instead.

He hurriedly ran to the basement with his mom yelling him to stop and to fix his head. But he couldn't be stopped. He had to find Rina. "Rina! Rina! Rina, where are you!" He called out as he searched through the basement but Rina wasn't anywhere to be found. "F*ck!" He cursed repeatedly and dialed Scott's number.

"What's the matter?" Scott answered.

"Rina, she's gone." Steven declared as he panted for air.

"What?" He asked incredulously. "How did that happen?"

"There were these men, they entered the house and took her. I-I don't know where she is." Steven said helplessly and tears started pouring out of his eyes.

"I'm coming over." Scott announced as he hanged up the phone.

~ * ~ * ~

Ryder and Andrea were on their way home. Ryder held her hand as he drove and kept smiling at her. He was glad that he was able to tell her about the secrets he had been trying to hide from everybody else. He was happy that she stick-by and didn't leave her.

"I wish we could have stayed there longer. Just you and me." Ryder said kissing the back of her hand.

"We'll come back sometime during the summer. For now, let's focus on how to graduate high school." Andrea stated and Ryder's phone started ringing. Ryder glanced at it and saw that it was Scott. "Aren't you going to get that?" Andrea asked him.

"It's just Scott." He said nonchalantly. They both ignored the call and the ringing finally subsided. However, not even a second passed when it started ringing again.

"I know you guys are not in good terms, but maybe he has something important to say." Andrea suggested and Ryder let out a sigh.

"Fine, but you answer it. I'm driving." He tried reasoning and Andrea shot him a disappointed look. She let go of his hand and answered the phone.


"Who's this?" Scott asked her rudely.

"It's Andrea." She replied.

"Why do you have Ryder's phone?" He questioned irritably.

"Well he's driving right now so I answered the phone. Is there a reason why you called?" She wondered.

"Tell Ryder to come to Steven's house. Tell him it's an emergency and it's about Rina!" He demanded and hanged up the phone. Andrea placed the phone back on the cup holder and Ryder glanced at her.

"What'd he say?" He asked.

"He said to come to Steven's house. Something happened to Rina." Andrea slowly said and Ryder's face turned in complete confusion and anxiousness. Nevertheless, he didn't question her and sped his way to Steven's house.

~ * ~ * ~

"What happened? Where's my sister?" Ryder questioned as soon as they entered Steven's house which brought back so many memories. But he set those memories aside and glared at Steven.

Steven couldn't speak. He was utterly in shocked and was out of his mind. He was just sitting on the couch with his head tilted down towards the floor and glaring at it. His mother was sitting beside him with a cold pack in her hand that was pressed against Steven's head. He didn't even feel the coldness or the pain, he was numb all throughout.

There were policemen all over the house. Some were investigating and others were asking the neighbors questions. And the chief was talking to Steven's father asking about what had happen.

"Someone answer me!" Ryder yelled in frustration and Andrea took a hold of his right hand which was clutched in a very tight fist. She rubbed it soothingly trying to calm his nerves down.

"Ry, Rina was taken." Scott answered.

"Taken? Taken by whom?!"

"We don't know. That's why we called the police to find any evidence." He tried explaining.

"This is all your fault!" Ryder charged at Steven and took his by the front of his shirt but Steven didn't do or say anything. He didn't even spare him a glance. It was as if he was in another world. "What'd you do to her?!" He screamed in his face.

Steven's mother, Andrea, and Scott were quick to split the two up. Scott took a hold of Ryder and scolded him. "Don't blame Steven for what happened. In fact, you should blame yourself. You know exactly why this is happening. You know exactly that this happened to Rina because of you!" Scott nagged which seemed to shut Ryder up. It all clicked in his head and he felt like a big idiot.

He suddenly felt this urge to release his angry so he punched the cement wall in the living room and Andrea circled around him to prevent him from punching more. His hand were already bleeding and for sure he broke some bones. The police tried to talk to Ryder to calm him down and made him sit on a chair to relax.

Ryder didn't know what to do. He didn't know what to say. But one thing's for sure, he was ready to kill for his sister.

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