Chapter seven

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A/N: Picture of Steven Sanders on the side --- >>>


Chapter seven

"Are you just going to sit there and wait 'til the party's over?" Ryder asked Andrea as she plays with the seatbelt. She finally unbuckled it and let out a deep breath.

"You know, if you always want to back out I can drive you home." Ryder teased getting out of the car. Andrea rolled her eyes and chanted in her head, 'I can do this! I can do this! I can do this!'

She got out of the car and Ryder locked it. "No backing out now." Ryder smiled mischievously as he made his way towards the house leaving Andrea alone. "See you at one." He said over his shoulders.

"Well, here goes everything." Andrea said to herself as she made her way towards the entrance. She can hear the loud music making her heart pound in her chest. It was so loud she couldn't hear herself breathe.

As she entered the house the aroma of the bitter alcohols swift through her nose making her gag. She wasn't really a drinker and partying wasn't her thing.

She looked around seeing drunk teenagers dancing and grinding at each other. There were some people making out in the corner while others were binge drinking like there was no tomorrow. Andrea couldn't believe that it was only nine o'clock but people were already drunk and some had already passed out.

She felt so out of place like she didn't really belong there. She wanted to get out but she wanted to prove Ryder wrong. That she can do it and party like an animal.

She made her way to the bar and took a seat on a stool. A waiter appeared all of a sudden startling her. "What can I get you?" He said cheerfully. He had blonde hair, blue eyes and he was tall but not as tall as Ryder. She was the same age as them or probably older. Andrea thought he was kind of cute but she never really had a crush on anyone.

"Um... Just some soda." She said sheepishly scratching the nape of her neck.

"Not a drinker, huh?"

"No, more like not a party-go person." She answered honestly.

"Alright, I get it, peer pressure, right?" He raised an eyebrow shooting her an amuse smile.

"Something like that." She chuckled.

"Soda it is then. Would you like some coke, sprite, ice tea, or root beer?"

"I'll just take some ice tea, please. Thank you." She said shooting him a warm smile.

"Sure, one ice tea coming up." He said as he disappeared and got her order. Andrea sat there alone looking behind her where a bunch of drunk teenagers were grinding against each other. She turned back her attention to the bar as the waiter gave her the ice tea she ordered.

"Here you go." He handed her the drink. "If you need anything else don't hesitate to ask." He said as Andrea nodded.

She took a sip of her drink and nibble on the straw. She was so bored she didn't know what to do but to stare in space and let the world fade away.

"Thinking hard?" A husky, deep voice asked startling Andrea. She turned her seat to the left only to find the most attracted man alive on earth. Well, maybe the next one 'til Ryder.

He had sparkling blue eyes, a slim but muscled body, and spiky hair. He looked so hot, at least for Andrea. He was wearing a black shirt, some dark jeans, leather shoes and black leather jacket. What's up with leather jackets these days?! But he totally dig the bad boy look.

"No." Andrea whispered, barely audible, but he still managed to hear her. He took the seat beside her and ordered some vodka for himself.

"Something wrong then?" He questioned turning his attention back to her.

"Everything's fine." She said shooting him a small smile.

"You're Andrea Carson, aren't you?" The guy hesitantly asked surprising Andrea. She didn't really know the guy but how did he know her. "I'm Steven. I go to Richmond High as well." He introduced himself sticking his right hand out for Andrea to shake.

"Nice to meet you." She said shaking his hand.

"So?..." Steven started taking his drink from the waiter. He took and sip before he talked again. "I didn't really know you're the kind of person who likes to party."

"I'm not." She sheepishly replied.

"So what are you doing here?" He questioned her looking into her eyes like he could see her through her soul. "Wait, let me guess; you're trying to prove Collins wrong, are you?" He chuckled surprising Andrea again. Was this guy a psychic or what?

"How'd you know?" She asked curiously.

"Because Collins can be pretty intimidating. He also likes challenging people." He explained humours written all over his face.

"That's why I'm in this situation right now." She sighed. She was glad someone was finally talking to her. At least, he would keep her busy 'til one o'clock right?

"How's it like to be his slave?" He suddenly asked out of nowhere.

Andrea groaned in response and sighed. "He's a lot of work. Sometimes, I think he's bipolar." She answered making Steven snickered.

"That's Collins for you." He said taking the whole shot of vodka. They talked for what felt like hours and they didn't seem to have the trouble of thinking something to talk about. They had so many in commons.

"Wanna dance?" He asked her out of nowhere offering his hand.

"I don't really know how to." She explained looking down to the ground.

"Don't worry, I'll teach you." He told her as they go in the middle of the dance floor. Then, the music turned into a slow song all of a sudden. Everyone took a partner no matter how drunk they were.

Steven took her hands and drape them around his neck as he rested his hands on her hips holding her firmly. They swayed to the music as Andrea stared at the ground. She knew she was blushing.

Steven pulled her more towards him making her chest touch his chest. Andrea's heart was beating so fast she thought she was going to explode. She was blushing so much she thought she might have looked like a tomato.

The moment was awesome. She thought it was only the two of them in the world. Like nothing else matters. She closed her eyes resting her head to his chest and she felt how fast his heart was beating too.

Everything was perfect until she felt the hands on her hips loosened and the next thing she knew, Steven was on the ground, the corner of his lip bleeding. Everyone stopped, even the music. All the attention was in the middle of the dance floor.

"Steven?!" Andrea gasped kneeling down beside him and checking if he was okay. She looked up to the person who punched him and she so no other than Ryder, who was fuming in anger. Steam where literally coming out of his ears.

"RYDER!" She growled. "Why did you do that?!" She exclaimed.

"We're going!" Ryder announced pulling her by the wrist and dragged her outside.


A/N: Sorry for the late upload. I've been really busy lately. And sorry if it's short. I'll make it longer for the next chapter.

Also, I haven't edited any of the chapters yet, so I'm really sorry if there are lots of errors.

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