Chapter fifty

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A/N: My gift to you guys! Belated Happy Valentine's Day! <3

Happy reading :)
Chapter fifty

Rina felt sore on her hands and feet. She stirred in her sleep and but couldn't exactly open her eyes. Her lids just felt really heavy that she couldn't open them no matter what she does. Rina was tied on a chair and her mouth had a handkerchief on it preventing her from speaking.

She then heard footsteps coming closer to the room and the door finally opened. Based on the heavy footsteps, she figured it was a guy. He casually walked in the room pulled a cigar in his pocket and lit it with a lighter.

"Mandy." The man called out to a guy sitting a few feet behind Rina and stood up.


"Get the van ready. She's leaving." He commanded and Rina suddenly felt afraid. Leaving? What was that suppose to mean? She thought as she tried to move but her body felt sore. She still couldn't open her eyes.

"Yes boss, right away." The guy answered and she heard the footsteps going farther away. But another footsteps came into the room. In came Andrea with her hands tied behind her back and a strong built man holding her to prevent her from escaping.

"You said you'll release her." The gentle voice said and Rina knew that the voice sounded so familiar. Could it be her? She thought. But what was she doing here?

"I am, I already got her ride ready." Jason answered.

"Just make sure she doesn't get hurt." Rina heard the girl's voice again and she could have sworn it was Andrea. She tried her best to open her eyes but to no avail. Then suddenly, someone from behind her pulled her up and released her from the chair. She couldn't feel her body so she leaned on the person carrying her.

"Now put her here." Rina heard the voice once again. She thought the man was mentioning her but when the guy that was holding her up didn't move, she then realized the man was talking about the other girl who could have possibly been Andrea.

"Leave now, before she wakes up." The man ordered again and Rina felt her body being moved once again. She tried her hardest to open her eyes and she was relieved when she finally did. The guy that was carrying bridal style was looking ahead of her. They were already by the door way so she quickly glanced back to the room and saw that it was indeed Andrea and her eyes widened in horror. She looked at the man sitting in front of Andrea and saw a three-leaf-clover with a sword slicing through it tattooed on his left arm. Then the door closed and prevented Rina from seeing more.

~ * ~ * ~

Rina once again fell conscious. She slowly opened her heavy lids and readjusted her eyes from the rays of the sun. She carefully stood up from where she was lying and brushed some of the leaves off of her shirt and pants. She was on a park near their house and she was lying under an oak tree. She tried remembering what happened and when she finally remembered, she was dashing on her feet and made her way home.

She kept running no matter how much her knees were buckling underneath her and telling her to stop. She needed help, she needed to tell Ryder about Andrea. Once she rounded around the corner, she saw the gates to their house and police officers were scattered around the place. An officer saw her and pointed towards her direction. The rest of them glanced at her and came up to her.

"Where's Ryder?" It was the first thing she asked and she could feel the soreness in her throat. It was as if a sandpaper was scraping it, but she ignored it when one of the officer answered her and told her that he was inside the house.

She continued to run inside and her parents came out of the house when they heard the news that Rina was back. John ran up to her and gathered her in his arms. He hugged her tightly and kissed her head over and over again. Daphne was sobbing as she approached her daughter and pulled her into a hug as well. "My baby." She cried as Rina started to cry as well. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Daphne asked as she examined her arms and her face for any injuries.

"Doctor! We need a doctor!" John demanded and an officer quickly dialed the phone and called for an ambulance.

"I'm okay, I'm fine dad, mom." She stated as she looked at both of them.

"We were worried sick about you." John announced as he pulled her into another hug and wiped her tears with his thumb.

"Where's Ryder?" She asked them.

"Inside, all your friends are here. I'm sure they'll be relieve to see you." John said as he guided her inside and Daphne was on her other side.

"Rina!" Katie screamed and rushed to her and embraced her. The rest of the crew came and hugged her but she hadn't spotted Ryder yet. They were asking if she was okay and she only answered with a quick 'I'm fine'.

She glanced around and she saw Steven standing behind the crew looking pretty beat up. He had a cast on his right arm and swollen right cheek. Rina gasped and quickly ran up to him and pulled him tightly. "Steven." She sobbed as Steven cried on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I couldn't save you. I'm sorry that I was too late." He apologized as Rina shushed him and shook her head.

"No, no it wasn't your fault. Don't blame yourself Steve. I'm fine, I'm okay now." She assured him pulling him closer.

"Rina?" A voice from behind asked and Rina easily recognized her twin's voice. Steven let go of her and she turned around to stare at her brother's sulked face. She came over to him as he pulled her into his arms kissing the top of her head.

"Ryder, Ryder I have to tell you something." She said as she pulled away from the hug. "It's about Andrea."

"Let's not talk about it." He dismissed the topic causing a mild confusion from Rina.

"But she -"

"Rina, just drop it. Let's just be happy you're here safe and sound." He cut her off and started walking away but Rina stopped him.

"You don't understand, Ryder. Maybe I am already safe, but what about her? We need to save her, Ry." She begged of him as Ryder's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He was still furious and irritated at Andrea for what she told him this morning.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Ryder, she's there." She answered. "They got her and I saw her all tied up. I know it's her, Ry. I can't be mistaken. We have to save her."

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