Chapter thirty-nine

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A/N: This is a pretty short chapter but I promise to update the next chapter soon. I'm currently writing the rest of the book so I can finish it and only have to update every week. 

Happy reading :)


Chapter thirty-nine

Knock, knock...

"Hey Ry, dinner's ready." Rina slightly opened the door and poked her head in the room.

"I'm not hungry." He replied without glancing at her as he continued to type on his laptop.

A few seconds passed by with just the typing sound being heard through the room. Then, Rina decided to talk before her confidence ran out.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" She asked boldly as she stepped inside the room.

Ryder heaved out a sigh. "No, not really." He answered not sparing her a glance.

"Ry, you know that even though I'm your sister, I'm also your best friend, right?"

Ryder finally looked at her and shot her an apologetic look for being so cold to her. "I know, Rina. I'm thankful for that. I just don't think this topic is relevant to talk about with other people. It's better if it stays between Scott and I." He explained soothingly.

"I just don't want what happened between you and Steven happen to you and Scott. 'Brothers shouldn't fight. Blood or water, it shouldn't matter.' That's what you three always say to each other. That even thought you guys are not blood related, you will always be brothers. You will always stick together." She said remembering every words Ryder, Scott, and Steven uttered and promised to each other when they were young.

"Rina, we were five. That phrase doesn't even make any sense. We're not kids anymore. Reality will always hit us on the way."

"Life is full of bull, Ryder. But the people who matters to you will suffice every pain and anger. I don't know what happened between you and Steven, but please, I'm begging you to not do the same with Scott. Because in the end, you will just regret it." She finally uttered as the words sinked in Ryder's head.

She left the room and closed the door softly before Ryder turned back to his laptop. The picture displayed on the screen was continually bugging him. He knew that Scott was right. The car crash was no accident, it was all a set up. A set up to kill him and get him out of the championship. He just didn't know the motive behind it.

'Why would Jason Alfonso do such a thing? Did the championship meant so much to him that he will kill for it?' Thoughts and questions circled in Ryder's mind until he finally closed the picture of the car that he and Scott found a few weeks ago. He just hoped that no one would get hurt in the way.

~ * ~ * ~

"Scott! Scott, wait!" Andrea yelled as soon as the elevator reached the underground parking lot. She tried to follow Scott as soon as she possibly could. She literally banged the elevator buttons just to make sure she would reach him. She left the penthouse before any of the gang could. She dashed to the elevator as soon as Ryder went to his room and she was expecting to catch Scott.

When the elevator doors opened, Scott was already on his bike, in the middle of putting his helmet on.

"Scott! Please!" She begged as she ran towards him as he sighed and put his helmet aside.

"What is it, Andrea?" He asked annoyingly.

"I know I have no business to ask, but what happened back there? Did Ryder do something to you?" She questioned curiously.

"You're right..." He started. "You have no business to ask." He simply replied and he was gonna put his helmet on but Andrea interrupted him again.

"No, please, stop!" She begged taking the helmet away from him. "Please, I'm just worried. I know something's up, Scott. You know that... that... I love him." She said whispering the last bit. "I just wanna know, Scott! Please! Is Ryder in trouble? Is he in danger?"

"Look, Andrea, please don't get involve. You will only make it worse. Believe me, this is not something you wanna get into. If I were you, stop what you're feeling and run away. Far far away from Ryder." He suggested putting his helmet on and jumping on his motorcycle.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm not going to run away from him." She boldly said turning her back on him. Scott shook his head and drove away. 'She sure was one stubborn nerd.' He thought.

~ * ~ * ~

"That's her, boss." Seth informed as he handed him the folder.

"Good job, Seth. I knew I could count on you." Jason accepted the folder with a mischevious grin playing along his lips. He unsealed the folder and took the papers out. There, on the very first page, was the picture of the girl that was with Ryder Collins in the car during the accident. "Andrea Carson." Jason uttered her name.

"So, what do you want me to do with her, boss?" Seth asked him persistently.

"Just watch her for now. Collins is a smart boy, he can do the math himself. Just make sure that this girl doesn't escape." He ordered as he scanned the information printed in front of him. "You are so not going to the finals, Ryder Collins." Jason Alfonso muttered with mischevious dancing in his eyes.

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