Chapter thirty

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Chapter thirty

"Good job, that's what I'm talking about. I knew you just needed to focus and get some rest. Now, you're doing much better than yesterday!" Pablo's said patting Ryder on the back.

They were at it again, racing. Ryder had his mind a hundred percent on training and being the best racer ever. If he wanted to defeat Jason Alfonso and give him a taste of his own medicine, he knew he had to work hard and train hard.

"Thanks, coach." He cockily said shooting him and Scott a smirk. He took a seat by the bench next to Scott as Pablo stood in front of them.

"So, did you find anything suspicious about this Jason guy?" He asked.



Ryder and Scott said at the same time.

"Well, which is it?" Pablo's questioned pointedly narrowing his eyes and bringing his arms across his chest.

"You see, we found out that he got really good team on his side." Ryder tried to cover up nudging Scott with his elbow. He didn't want Pablo to know what Jason is capable of doing. He had to wait for the perfect time to tell him the truth. "And by good, we mean professionals."

"That's it?" Pablo asked once again. The boys nodded but they knew that he was suspicious but he didn't push the subject. "Alright then, when you boys are ready to tell me all about it, you know where to find me." And that was the reply that made the boys' faces turned paled white.

Pablo left taking the race car with him and parking it. Ryder glanced at Scott and glared at him as Scott looked at him sheepishly rubbing the nape of his neck.

"You couldn't have just let me answer?" Ryder hissed at him giving him the old daggers.

"Well, if you would have told me sooner that we weren't going to tell a soul, even Pablo, then maybe we could have avoided the situation." Scott retorted passing Ryder his water bottle.

"You're an idiot, Scott!" He said before gulping the water down. He threw the water bottle in his bag and slung it on his shoulder. They made their way outside of the arena and walked to the parking lot.

"Says the guy who's falling for the nerd." Scott accused as Ryder stopped dead on his tracks. Scott stopped as well as Ryder glared at him. If looks could kill, he would be 20 ft under. "It's true, when you started hanging out with her, you changed, man."

"I didn't change." He denied.

"Yeah, you did. You've barely known the girl for a week and you tour her god knows where. You miss class, which I'm not complaining, but you're ditching with the nerd! Nerd, Ryder! It's like I don't even know you anymore. You barely even time to talk to your friends. And what about the other day when we were suppose to go to the bridge with Liam and Casper. You totally ditched us, and it's all because of that girl. Now tell me you are not changing. Tell me Ryder!" Scott pointed out completely shutting him up.

Scott had a really good point. Was he really changing all because of a girl, a nerd, named Andrea Lyse Carson? Was he spending too much time with her? Was it wrong that he showed her his secret place and bring her to different places whenever he can? Was it wrong that he kissed her? Was it wrong that he was starting to fall for her?

Was she the wrong girl to fall for?

~ * ~ * ~

"What's up with you?" Rina asked as she saw her brother on the couch laying his head on the head rest.

"Can I tell you something?" He asked hesitantly as Rina sat on the love seat by herself.

"Sure, what about?" She asked taking the magazine from the centre table and read through it.

"I think I'm having girl problems." He muttered after about five seconds of silence. Rina whipped her head to her brother's direction so fast that she wouldn't be surprise if she got a stiff neck. But Ryder was opening up to her, and not just any random topic but about girls. It was absolutely amazing and confusing at the same time.

"Girl problems? So you're telling me that.... there's a girl?" She asked slowly but she had a pretty good guess who the girl might be.

"How would you know if you like a girl?" He asked completely ignoring her question. He wasn't even looking at her, he was gazing at the ceiling like it would give him answers to his questions.

"Well, usually you would feel happy around her. You feel as if you could trust her with everything, even with your own life. You always want to be around her and spend every single second with her. Sometimes, believe it or not, you would even hear your own heart beat pound against your chest. You're just too ecstatic and sometimes nervous from being around her. I don't know, I guess you can't really explain your gratitudes towards a person you like. But I know that the feeling is amazing." Rina explained staring at her brother for any reaction but his face remained blank.

"Do you think it's possible that you might love her?" He asked now looking at her. Rina's eyes widened in astonishment. Did he just say the L word? Rina couldn't believe it. Ryder had only been in love once. And that was with a certain blonde, who cheated on him, names Jaime Bishop.

"Love? You're telling me you're in love?" She asked hoping that he would answer her.

"Honestly, I don't know anymore. I just... I feel like this girl's really special. She's turning me into something I'm not, but in a good way. She makes me feel these weird feelings that I've never felt with other girls before. It's like, she has me all figure out, you know what I mean?" He asked with a bewilder look on his face. Rina was flabbergasted not knowing what to reply to him. If only she knew the answer.

"Wow," she breathed staring at him on awe. "I-I don't know what to say. I mean, what you're feeling right now is real. It's real love and you might have actually fallen for this girl. Who is she anyway?"

"You see, that's the problem. What if your friends don't approve of the girl you love? What do you do?" He asked in confusion .

'Wow, he's a mess.' Rina thought scratching the nape of her neck.

"Fight for the girl. I'm sure she's worth the fight. And if your friends are really your true friends, then I guess they have to accept and love whoever you love. But, if you're referring to Scott, I'm sure he will cave in soon." She said surprising Ryder. He didn't even mention Scott but she already knew who he was referring to. Maybe they do have telepathic communication.

"How-" He started but she laughed and shook her head.

"We're twins, I know you more than anyone else in this world. And about this girl, she must be really special, don't let her go that easily." She reminded him as she stood up and made her way to the kitchen.

Ryder sat there wrapping her words around his head. He couldn't believe he admitted to his sister that he loved Andrea. He loved the nerd. He loved the girl who he never knew existed until the tradition. The tradition that led them to each other and he was thankful for it.

'I will fight for you, Andrea. I will love you the way you should be love. I will make everything right. I will fight for you!' He said to himself.

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