Chapter six

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A/N: The trailer is on the side if you want to watch it so you get the idea of what the story is about --- >>>


Chapter six

Everyone's head turned to where the voice was coming from and John's jaw clenched in irritation. He didn't want his son to act so disrespectful today. He didn't want to put up with him.

When Ryder entered the dinning room, he put on his fake smile and act like a decent person. "Hello wonderful family. I see we have some lovely guests tonight." He pretended to act professional kissing his mother's cheeks and plopping himself down at the seat next to Daphne.

Andrea was shock seeing Ryder. He was the last person she expected to be John's son. But then again, she haven't thought of anyone to be John's son anyway.

"Ryder, I think it's time for you to get a watch." John said sarcastically looking at his son with furious in his eyes.

"I'm sorry I wanted to look good for our guests tonight."

"You're wearing a shirt and a pair of jeans, Ryder." John pointed out through gritted teeth. "Everyone can pick those out within five minutes."

Ryder remained silence and everyone can feel the tension in the room. Daphne quickly changed the subject and chatted with Andrea again.

"So an accountant huh?" She started as Andrea nodded. "That's great. I'm seeing that you'll be a successful accountant one day. Continue on pursuing your dreams, darling."

"I'm glad someone's going to be successful one day." John muttered under his breath loud enough for everyone to hear. Ryder knew that his father was talking about him but he didn't care. He didn't care what his father think anymore.

"Anyway, I didn't really introduce myself to you." Ryder interrupted turning to James and Karen. "I'm Ryder, by the way." He said grinning at them as they grin back.

"I'm Karen, this is my husband, James, and my daughter, Andrea." Karen introduced themselves pointing at James then Andrea.

"It's very nice to meet you both. And it's nice to see you again, Andrea." Ryder greeted politely.

"'Nice to see you again?'" Karen furrowed her eyebrows and looked between Andrea and Ryder. "You two know each other?" She asked.

"Yeah, we go to the same school together." Ryder answered since Andrea couldn't seem to find her voice.

"Sweetheart, why didn't you tell us you and Ryder go to the same school?" James asked then he turned to Ryder. "It's just that Andrea doesn't usually socialize with other people and we've never met any of her friends." Her father commented making Andrea blushed to the fullest, she probably looked like a red tomato.

"Dad!" She warned him bowing her head in embarrassment.

"That's not very true. She has friends. I'm one of them." Ryder announced making Andrea choked on the water she was drinking.

"You're friends with Ryder, Andrea? That's great." Daphne clapped her hands together like a little kid.

"So what drugs does my son sell to you?" John asked catching everyone off guard. Daphne's jaw was almost drop on the ground hearing those words come out of her husband's mouth. The tension in the room thickened and everyone was looking at John like he said the most ridiculous thing in the world.

"What?" John muttered looking at everyone.

"John, please, not here!" Daphne said through gritted teeth trying to control her family.

"Actually, she prefers marijuana better." Ryder joined in making his father send daggers at him. If looks could kill, Ryder would have been dead by now. "If she even know what marijuana looks like." He added.

"But really, how can you stay long to have my father as your boss?" Ryder asked looking straight at James, who shifted nervously at his seat.

"Actually, your dad's great. He's a kind employer." James answered confidently.

"By great and kind, you mean bossy and stuck up then I couldn't agree more." Ryder smirked chuckling at his own jokes. John's jaw clenched in anger and his fist tightened by the table as his wife rubbed it soothingly.

"Ryder, please, have some respect." His mother murmured only for him to hear.

"What? I'm just telling the truth. Dad can be so bossy and we all know it. I mean, he is practically controlling mine and Rina's lives, right? He makes every decision and everything goes accordingly to what he wants." Ryder continued.

"That's it, Ryder!" His father screamed punching the table and standing up. "You're out of here!" He growled pointing towards the way out of the dinning room.

"But he never even touch his food." Daphne complained with pleading eyes begging John to let their son stay. James, Karen, and Andrea fidgeted at their seats feeling the tension and the awkwardness in the room.

"It's okay, mom. I have other plans anyway." Ryder informed her standing up and kissing her mother's cheek. "It was nice to meet you." Ryder smiled at both Karen and John and made his way out not even bothering to say goodbye to his father.

When Ryder was out of sight and earshot, she cleared her throat catching all their attention. "Excuse me, but is it okay if I use the bathroom?" She asked sheepishly.

"Of course, darling." Daphne nodded. "Dana can show you the way." She suggested referring to their maid.

"It's fine. I think I can manage." Andrea assured her standing up and shooting them a smile.


Andrea fast walked to the front door and she saw Ryder putting his black leather jacket on. She couldn't help but check him out. He was wearing a white v-neck shirt that clings to his muscled body and jeans that hung around his waist. He was wearing black boots that tucked his jeans in and his hair was a little messy making him look extra hot.

"Are you done checking me out." Ryder smirked at her snapping her out of her trance. She quickly looked away blushing to the fullest.

"I-I wasn't checking you out." She denied looking to the ground.

"Sure, you weren't." Ryder said amusement in his voice.

"Pfft, you wish. So, where are you going?" She asked.

"A party." He bluntly answered.

"Is it, what's his name, oh yeah, Jake's party?"

Ryder chuckled by her mistake. "First of all, his name is Jack, not Jake. And secondly, why do you care?" He questioned.

"Because..." Andrea trailed off thinking of a reason. "Because... I want to come." She blurted out before she thought of the idea first. She completely regretted what she said the moment Ryder smiled mischievously.

"You really want to come?" He asked amusement dancing in his eyes.

"Y-Yes?" She replied but it sounded more like a question.

"Alright." Ryder agreed nodding his head. "I mean, you are already dress for it anyway." He said checking her out from head to toe like she was a piece of meat. Andrea felt conscious and quickly blushed the way Ryder was checking her out.

"You coming or not?" Ryder asked making his way out of the door. Andrea sighed and followed after him to his car.

"Why do I feel like I'm going to regret this?" She asked sliding in the passenger seat as soon as he unlocked the door.

"You won't, trust me." He assured her starting the car while she buckled her seatbelt on. Of course, she knew that Ryder wouldn't put his own.

When Ryder pulled out of the drive way, she became more anxious since she never really has been to a party before. At least, not the wild kind she was about to go to. She really regretted everything now.

Ryder glanced at her and he knew something was up with her. She fidgeted her fingers on her lap and she bit her lip nervously. Then, everything seemed to click and Ryder exactly knew what was going on.

"Don't tell me you've never been to a party before?" Ryder smirked glancing at her every now and then.

"Of c-course, I-I've been t-to a party before." She stuttered nibbling on her bottom lip.

"And you're a terrible liar too."

"I am not!" Andrea snapped.

"And you're denying everything I say."

"I don't!"

"See, you're doing it again." Ryder snickered.

"AM NOT!" She denied as Ryder stared at her expectantly. Then, she sighed and glared at him. "Fine, maybe I am denying everything you say." She admitted making Ryder smile in triumph looking back at the road when the light turned green.

"So, you've been to a party before?" Ryder continued.

"Of course!" She answered quickly.

"Then there shouldn't be any problem." Ryder smirked mischievously and Andrea started panicking again.


A/N: I made it a little longer this time. Hope you enjoyed reading it!

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Don't forget to watch the trailer!

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