Chapter fifteen

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait guys. Really busy at school and stuff. I hope it's summer again!

Happy reading! :)

Picture of Lily Mendel on the side --- >>>

Chapter fifteen

"Why are we here?" Andrea asked curiously shutting the car door closed. Ryder walked beside her and locked the car.

"I thought you might like it here." Ryder shrugged. Andrea eyes him suspiciously. Was he being serious right now or was he joking around?

"We're in the middle of the woods, Ryder. How do you suppose I would like it here?" She said gesturing at her surroundings. Surely, they were in the middle of nowhere and all in sight were trees and bushes. Other than that, nothing else.

"So you don't like it?" Ryder asked as an amuse smile played on his lips.

Andrea noticed his amusement so she rolled her eyes at him. "Just take me back to school!" She commanded and turned back to the car. She hasn't even taken two steps yet, but Ryder grabbed her arm and tugged into it.

"Come on, I'll show something else." He said pulling Andrea with him. He walked through the trees and bushes they passed by holding onto Andrea's hand now. He couldn't help but feel the electricity shooting right through him just by touching her soft, delicate hand.

'Stop it, Ryder!' He told himself.

"Ryder, seriously, just take me back to school. Please!" She whined but she didn't really struggle to get away from his hold. His hand and hers seemed to fit perfectly together. It was like jigsaw puzzles that were meant to be connected.

"Trust me, you'll love it." He smiled at her reassuringly and Andrea felt so ecstatic just by seeing him smile. It wasn't one of those smirks or evil smiles, it was more like a genuine and real one.

Andrea let him dragged her to the end of the forest and the ground were starting to descend. Suddenly, Ryder stopped causing Andrea to bump into him. "Close your eyes." Ryder demanded eagerly.

"I am not closing my eyes, Ryder. How do I know that you won't get back to the car and leave me here all alone in the woods."

"I won't, I promise. Please!" He begged with pleading eyes that she can't seem to resist.

"Fine." Andrea said defeatedly. She covered her eyes by placing her hands on them as she felt him move closer to her and hold her gently by the arm. Ryder led her near the falls carefully. Andrea felt anxious especially since the ground seems to be descending and she was scared she would trip.

"Don't worry, I got you." He whispered in her ear as if he read her mind. She shuddered hearing him whisper calmly into her ear. Her spine stiffened by his husky, sexy voice. Soon, Ryder stopped her and leave her side. She started to grow anxious again.

"Open your eyes in 3...2...1," Ryder said as Andrea opened the lids of her eyes. Her vision was a little blurry but as soon as it turned normal again, her jaw dropped in amazement.

"Ryder, this is... it's..." She stuttered trying to find words to describe her feelings.

"I know, it's beautiful." Ryder finished her sentence off. Andrea was really amazed by the view. The waterfalls continually flow as the wave of the water hit the sand. The water was crystal blue and the clouds were puffy like cotton candy. The moist of the air was not too cold nor too hot. It was the perfect temperature and a perfect day.

"Come on." Ryder grabbed her arm and pulled her near the water.

"Where are we going?" She asked still admiring the view.

"Just trust me." Ryder smiled as he dragged her to the end of the shore. There, sat a canoe. Ryder let go of her hand and handed her an orange life jacket. "Here, put this on."

"We're going canoeing?" She asked with a glint in her eyes. Ryder stared at her beautiful eyes and he chuckled when he saw how exciting she was.

"Yes." He said still laughing. He put on his life jacket as Andrea put hers as well. He placed his hand in front of her and asked, "Shall we?"

"Let's go! I'm so excited!" She squealed placing her hand on Ryder's palm as Ryder laughed at her remark. He led her carefully at the canoe and she sat down taking one of the paddles.

"Ready?" He asked her as she nodded eagerly. Ryder grinned again by her adorable excitement and gave the canoe a little push then he jumped in.

He took the other paddle and dipped it on the water and Andrea did the same thing. "Alright, you paddle while I stir." He ordered and Andrea nodded again.

Andrea was sitting backwards so she couldn't really see where they were heading. She just kept paddling as Ryder stirred. When shower of water dropped on her and the sound of the falls coming closer, she knew they were heading there.

"We're going to the falls?" She asked him curiosity getting ahead of her.

"Correction, behind the falls." He corrected.

"Don't tell me there's a cave behind the falls!" She practically screamed. She couldn't believe that Ryder would bring her to something as beautiful as this. She didn't really knew that Ryder likes the nature.

Ryder chuckled in response. She was acting like a child who got a chocolate as a prize. She was so adorable. He couldn't help but feel so happy just by spending time with her.

When they arrived at the cave, he gently took the rope from the canoe and attached it to the pole on the side. He got out as he helped Andrea out. Andrea was amazed by everything. She looked around the cave admiring the place.

"Are you sure there are no bears or monsters that would eat us here?" She asked playfully.

"I'm sure, but I know that there are bats here but they're not harmful in any way." He reassured her.

"Alright, let's go in." She squealed excitedly grabbing Ryder's hand and pulling him inside the cave.

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