○ chapter nineteen ○

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Winter's P.O.V

"We gotta go!" Amanda said as she grabbed my hand. I looked at her completely confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked her and she groaned and looked past me.

"Sam hurry up!" Amanda said and I looked back to see Sam with his arms crossed as he looked at Amanda with a straight face.

Amanda groaned again but suddenly that was cut off when she saw Becky beside her. "Sam, go get the boys." Sam nodded as he pushed past me and down the stairs.

Amanda pushed me into the room and closed the door slightly. I was now sitting on the bed again while Amanda was next to me and Becky standing in front of us.

While we were waiting for the boys, I decided to look around Sam's room. His room was a light shade of orange which looked nice. There was posters of soccer and footy players. On his bed side table there was a picture of Sam and Harper. He was right...

She did look like me...

"Whats up?" I heard Cole ask as the boys walked into the room. Cole and Hayden sat on the floor while Alec sat next to me and Sam leaning against the door.

"Okay, I'm just gonna say it. You all have to move. I have the money for you all to go to Grandma's in London. Unfortunately you'll have to leave in ten minutes cause the planes won't be working tomorrow for the training and stuff so yeah. Winter, you just need to inform your mom and Amanda, I've already called her. I probably know none of you want to do this but you have to." Becky said and my mouth literally dropped but unfortunately I wasn't the first one to say something.

"If this is about Dad, we can handle him! I ain't fucking moving to London just because of that piece of shit downstairs!" Sam yelled and Becky looked at him.

"Language!" Sam groaned.

"I have all your stuff packed so you'll be set." Becky said as she left the room.

We all shared looks.

"Bullshit. This is all complete bullshit." Hayden said with a clenched fist.

"What about school?" I asked and Hayden cheered.

"Yes! I forgot about school and now we don't need to go!" Hayden said with a cheerful voice and I slapped his arm.

"Shut up." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Do we even get a say in this?" Alec asked and we all agreed with him.

"Wait....your mom's not coming?" I asked Cole and he immediately stood up and walked to the door.

"The hell she is!" Then Cole left.

Sam gave me a look to follow him and I stood up and walked towards him.

"Meet me in the car in 10 minutes." And with that Sam left. I frowned but turned towards the others.

"Get your bags." Was all I said before they got up and walking towards their rooms.


I walked towards the back door with my black suitcase clutched tightly in my hand.

I looked around to see if anyone was there and I was safe. I opened the screen door and walked outside but as soon as I turned a corner, someone grabbed my shoulders and covered my mouth.

I screamed.

"Shh." I looked up to see Sam's face looking down at me and when I saw his face I looked at him with a frown as he pulled his hand away from my mouth.

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