Chapter 9 - To Outfox a Goblin

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Northern Barrier Range

Mikkin felt something hard obnoxiously jab him; a sharp pain forced his sleepy eyes to open. Gobelins swarmed his camp. He and Jamie were surrounded. The smell alone left him gagging.

"Up!" shouted the one who kicked him. He frowned but followed its orders, sitting up. It grunted something to the others, and several of the little urchins rushed forward to bind his hands. He looked over at Jamie; the lad's wide eyes met his. This certainly complicated things.

He and Jamie were in the forests of the Northern Barrier Range in search of dragons. When his home and family were reduced to ash, Mikkin struck out in search of the beasts who destroyed his happiness. He cared nothing for his life (though he did care for Jamie's), and willingly risked his skin in hopes of avenging the ones he loved. While he did not care whether he lived or died here and now, he preferred that his death come at the claws of a dragon, and preferably after he had found them and slain as many as possible. Therefore, this new Gobelin predicament was going to set him back.

Curse the gods! How had they been so unlucky? He strained against his bindings, trying to break free of them, struggling against the Gobelins who held him in place. When he gave up, he glanced around, taking count of his captors. There were twenty of the little creatures, and who could say how many might be hiding just out of sight? Weaponless and bound, he stood no chance against them.

Mikkin and Jamie's packs were confiscated; Mikkin eyed his belongings with longing. There were several loud grunts as the little urchins discovered the three short swords Mikkin had taken from Gobelins he had previously killed on their journey. These were now being passed around and argued over.

The weapons created quite a fuss. They wondered how Mikkin and Jamie had come by them. Would it be obvious that he had killed the original owners of those weapons? If so, they were in greater danger.

The leader shouted something harsh and the Gobelins calmed down. Pointing at the swords, it looked at Mikkin and demanded, "How you got those?"

"We found them," Mikkin said almost too quickly. "In the forest down there." He motioned in the direction whence they had come. Weeks had passed since they had killed the owners and stolen the swords.

"Lie!" hissed the Gobelin.

"I do not lie," Mikkin said, "Jamie, would I lie?"

The poor lad was too terrified answer. He could hardly stutter. "N—no. You—you would not lie."

"And this?" the Gobelin asked as he held forth the coins and rubies Mikkin and Jamie had also taken from the bodies.

"Those are mine," Mikkin insisted. He had given the booty to Jamie, but he preferred to keep the conversation focused on himself.

The Gobelin laughed, showing its pointy teeth. "Not yours now!"

Why was it that Gobelins always fell prey to greed? Everyone knew they coveted jewels and gold. Knowing this, a plan was already hatching in Mikkin's mind to enable their escape. "Fine," he said. "Since you like them so much. You keep it!" He threw his nose in the air in an act of great exaggeration. "I already have a huge chest of them. I buried it three days ago for safekeeping. What do I care about a few precious jewels when I have a whole horde? Once you let us go, I'll still have plenty."

With this proclamation, Mikkin could tell the Gobelin's little mind was working hard. It was a lot of information for the dim-witted thing to process. The leader perked up at the mention of Mikkin's make-believe horde, then it began to laugh. "Let go? Let go! Ha-ha-ha." Its laugh sounded raspy and horrid. "I no let you go. Why you bury this?" It held up one of the coins.

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