Chapter 31 - A New Guide

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Northern Barrier Range

Mikkin swatted at a low-hanging branch within arm's reach as he and Jamie continued their trek deeper into the mountains. The land they traversed was rugged and unforgiving. They had been walking for several days since capturing the Gobelin leader. Thus far they had gotten little information from it.

Several days prior, Mikkin promised that no harm would come to the creature if it surrendered. Now he regretted this. He was tempted to hold a knife to its neck if the Gobelin didn't volunteer some information. Trekking through the range was difficult work. More often than not, they ran into impassable areas—rivers, cliffs, vertical rock walls—requiring them to double back and work their way around.

Mikkin knew the Gobelin was hiding something. When they encountered difficult terrain, the wretch often smirked as though it knew something they did not. Perhaps it was simply happy with their failures, after all, they killed its comrades.

As they walked, Mikkin spared a glance for the wretched creature. It plodded along, tethered to its rope. Its short legs gave slow strides, and that meant slower progress, which left Mikkin scowling. The Gobelin noticed his scrutiny and offered him a wicked grin. He quickly turned his gaze away and focused on the way forward.

As the day progressed, his frustration grew. By evening, he'd had enough. He presented the Gobelin with an ultimatum. "Unka"—that was the creature's name—"I have a proposition for you. I believe we can both benefit from it, but that depends on your cooperation." He let his words sink in before adding, "I know you know, so tell us: where are the wild dragons hiding?"

"Unka not know." Unka looked away, pretending to ignore Mikkin.

"You're lying!" Jamie cried, allowing frustration to seep into his voice.

"Jamie, let me handle this."

The lad scowled, but he held his silence after that.

"Unka, we know the dragons have a lair in these mountains. We've seen them flying overhead. Now, I am not a betting man, but I'd reckon you know how to find them far better than me."

Unka squared his shoulders and grunted.

"My deal is this: you show us to their lair, and I will set you free. I have lived up to my word thus far. I have not harmed you, have I?"

Unka's face puckered as his green skin pulled into wrinkles. Then he scowled. Gobelins were rather dim-witted creatures where critical thinking was concerned. However, Mikkin could tell that Unka was considering his words, despite the hard work of it. At last Unka's expression changed. "Bad idea traveling to lair. More than dragons there."

"What do you mean?" Mikkin scowled as he was met with silence. "Unka, tell me. What more is there?"

"A sorcerer." The word was spoken as a hiss. An evil glint appeared in Unka's eyes, which now glittered in the firelight like little black orbs. No soul liked captivity, and most liked their captors even less. The little Gobelin would be thrilled to see Mikkin and Jamie fall into the hands of a powerful magical being—especially a sorcerer.

Mikkin considered Unka's words. No dragon of legend cooperated with any of the sorcerers. Some said that dragons killed all the ancient sorcerers out of cold-blooded hatred. "I don't believe you, Unka," Mikkin said at last. "Why would there be a sorcerer with the dragons?"

"I no lie. I knows."

"How? How do you know?"

"Kane." The name was spoken with a snaky hiss. Mikkin's skin crawled. Magic did things—made a person uneasy. Evil magic was even worse. If Kane was real—if hearing his name created discomfort—perhaps Unka was telling the truth.

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