Chapter 43 - King Talon's Vengeance

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Kastali Dun

Talon flew through the sky above the city. His anger and thirst for justice left his blood boiling. It took control to hide these emotions from Claire, to keep his voice calm for her. He was so proud of her quick thinking. Her scream was the trick that allowed the Drengr to discern her location with their sharp hearing.

It took less than a minute to reach her location. Bedelth, Jovari, Koldis, and Verath were already in the sky and intercepted them. The six of them transformed into humans and used their downward speed to their advantage. They landed forcefully but gracefully on two feet. Dragon bodies would not fit in the narrow, dirty streets of the Pauper's District.

The city guard had already been informed—they were on their way. In minutes, the street would be swarming with soldiers and onlookers. They needed to act quickly.

The Pauper's District was exactly as its name suggested. Many of the buildings were dilapidated, and only a few merchants kept shop here. Housing the city's poorest, it was a popular place for crime. For every crime ring snuffed out, two more appeared in its place. It shouldn't have surprised Talon that Claire was here.

The street was still quiet. An old woman spotted them and rushed into the shadows beneath a nearby eave. Talon glanced at his Shields, nodding imperceptibly. They fanned out. He scanned the multi-level buildings that towered over them. His eyes stopped on a crumbling edifice made of plaster and stone. At its lowest level, there was a rundown tavern—the only one in the area. It stuck out like a sore thumb. The worn sign was nearly unreadable. The King's Crown. He snorted. How fitting.

Glancing at the others, he gave his orders. "Jovari, Koldis—go left. Verath, Bedelth—guard the front. Reyr—with me."

He and Reyr jogged along the street, then dodged down an alley. They stopped at a small door, and were unsurprised to find it locked. It was better that way. Grunting with satisfaction, Talon glanced over his shoulder and smiled at Reyr, then he turned and kicked it in. It went flying inward with a loud screech as it broke from its hinges.

"Talon?! Is that you?" Claire's voice was in his mind. He faltered at the sound of it. She sounded groggy, as if she had just woken up. He sent her a reassuring confirmation.

Reyr stepped up beside him. "Shall we?"

He nodded. They plunged through the doorway and into a small cookery. The lighting was poor, but even darkness couldn't disguise the filth of the place. Several tavern wenches cowered in the corner, clutching one another out of fright.

"All exits are guarded, Your Majesty. None will escape."

"Thank you, Jovari."

"Ladies?!" The wenches in the corner yelped. "Point me in the correct direction." He flashed them a feral grin. They remained frozen for several moments before the one in the middle had the courage to point down the hall.

"Much obliged. This way, Reyr." He and Reyr thundered down the hallway.

"Talon, be careful." Claire's voice was there again.

Something stirred within his mind. "This...I will, thank you." He was about to tell her that six men were hardly a threat, but there was something in the way she had said it...

He and Reyr came to a passage leading down to the cellar. Before going further, they stopped to listen; there were agitated voices below. His breathing heightened, not because he was winded, but because something dark within him was waking up. He craved a good fight.

He and Reyr drew their weapons silently. "I want their leader alive for questioning. The others are fair game."

"As you wish, my king."

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