Chapter 33 - The King's Arrival

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Kastali Dun

Claire kept herself busy in the days following the Vodar attack. She wasn't the only one. There was a frenzy within the keep. Everyone was worried that there would be another assault. Guards had taken to patrolling the corridors, moving in small units as they marched throughout the castle. The inhabitants were frightened too. Their fear was reflected on their faces as they rushed to and from their obligations. They never lingered in the courtyards and always spoke in hushed whispers.

Despite the king's absence, meetings in the throne room continued, overseen by the steward and the king's Shields. The keep functioned as it usually did, but the strain of the situation was unmistakable; everyone would rest easier once King Talon returned. That return was imminent, for King Talon was set to arrive a mere three days after the attack.

As was the custom for arrivals of important people, the entire keep was set to assemble in the large courtyard just outside the royal garden. Claire had never taken part in a royal greeting, though she had an idea of what would transpire.

Fortunately, Desaree was there to fill in the holes of her understanding. "Those belonging to the king's court," she said, "ought to dress in their finest clothes. The ladies cover themselves in their most expensive jewels and arrange their hair in exquisite styles. It is a sight to see. Even the keep's servants assemble in their finest attire. This is how the keep displays its grandness. It reminds the king of the life he is returning to. After his arrival, there is to be held a great feast in the dining hall."

It seemed superfluous, but for Claire, there was hardly a choice in the matter. Everyone was at the king's disposal, including she of all people. King Talon had made it perfectly clear more than once.

Because the arrival was such a big deal, Desaree spent upwards of an hour on Claire's hair that morning, twisting it and braiding it into tight knots of pure artistry. When the work was finished, she stepped back, grinning from ear to ear.

Claire looked at her through the reflection and said, "You continue to impress me, Des, but what's with the mischievous grin?"

"I have one final touch for your hair. Stay here while I run to my room."

A few minutes later, Desaree returned with a tiny bundle wrapped in cloth. "I got this for you yesterday in anticipation of the king's return." She looked immensely proud of herself.

"Des..." Claire's voice caught in her throat. "You did not have to get me anything. You really shouldn't have."

"Oh please! It was my pleasure. Besides, I know more about the capital's styles than you do, and I want you to look better than any lady here. This will be perfect."

Desaree handed Claire the cloth and she unwrapped it. A fine silver netting covered in tiny blue sapphires tumbled into her lap. She gasped, eagerly picking it up. The stones glistened and glittered in the light. "Oh Des! It's stunning. Where did you find it?"

"I snuck down to the Merchant's District yesterday. Verath escorted me. It was a secret because I wanted to surprise you. Here—" Des took the hair net and delicately placed it over Claire's updo, pinning it securely. "There. What do you think?" She held a small mirror for Claire to see the back of her head.

"I'm speechless." Claire turned her head back and forth to gaze at the net's sparkle.

"Good! I knew you would love it. All that's left is your gown." Desaree smiled then said, "Quick! It's almost time for your lessons. Over to your dressing area. I will gather your clothes."

Claire did as she was told. Her dressing area consisted of two full length mirror arrangements angled inward to each other. There was a small, elevated platform like one might see at a tailor's; it was centered before the mirrors. Nearby stood a large wardrobe full of gowns designed by Madame Rosanne. While Desaree shuffled around inside, obtaining the necessary pieces for Claire's outfit, Claire worked on getting undressed.

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