Chapter 6 - Mage Targa

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Kastali Dun

Claire finished her lunch and walked arm in arm with Saffra through the keep. They made their way to the royal library where she would take her first lesson with Mage Targa. Since meeting him, her nerves had gotten the better of her.

"Mage Targa can be...intimidating," Saffra said.

"Intimidating?" Claire shook her head. "He's downright terrifying."

"I know what you mean, but really, he is not as bad as he seems."

"Ha. I disagree with you there. And don't get me started on his appearance." Mage Targa's long-faced sneer swam into Claire's mind.

"Yes, he really is quite awful to look at, isn't he?"

They burst into laughter, though Claire's was more of a nervous laughter. Their voices echoed off the stone walls of the castle. There was no denying it, Mage Targa was not a looker. Had he a better attitude, Claire might have pitied him for his appearance, but with such a frightening disposition to match his face, he would get no pity from her.

Saffra led the way up another grand staircase. They took a left turn and continued down a wide hallway lined with painted portraits. Claire glanced at each of the faces they passed before stopping short in front of one. She stood staring for a moment before saying, "I've seen her before." This woman had Sprite markings, golden hair, and sparkling blue eyes. The longer she studied her, the tighter her eyebrows pulled together. Then her eyes widened. "Is this—"

"Queen Isabella? Yes."

Claire's jaw dropped. "I saw her in the Marble Dragon's mind once. I didn't realize...she looks so much like me."

"Indeed. The similarities are uncanny. Your likeness has always intrigued me."

"And who is the girl beside her?" Standing beside Queen Isabella in the same portrait was a young girl with sandy brown hair and hazel colored eyes—eyes only slightly darker than Claire's. Her gaze flicked between the two faces. "They have similar features. The same thin nose, the same shape of the eyebrows... Is she...? Did Queen Isabella have a daughter?"

"She did. Princess Irelia. Hers is a sad story. I will tell you sometime if you would like to hear it. But for now, we had better not be late. You know Mage Targa..."

At the mention of Mage Targa, Claire's fascination shattered. "Yes, we had better get going, and quickly."

They rushed off, hurrying through the castle. At last Saffra came to an abrupt stop. They stood before two large oak doors. Each was carved with little figurines of men on horseback riding into battle. Saffra turned to look at Claire. "Try to relax," she said. "You have Cyrus's magic now. That must count for something."

Claire nodded, swallowing. Some things were easier said than done regardless of whose magic she had.

You will be fine. Magic is in your blood...

Cyrus's words offered some comfort, just as Saffra's smile did.

She hugged Saffra. "I don't know what I would do without you," she said. Their embrace worked wonders on her nerves.

"I meant what I said last night, Claire. I am at your service for whatever you need, and I am happy to be your friend." With that, Saffra left her standing before the doors.

She stared apprehensively at them. She had heard of the royal library, but her duties as a servant never included it. The library had its own dedicated caregivers, who knew exactly how to preserve and maintain the books.

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