Chapter 49 - A Fresh Start

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Kastlai Dun

Claire watched Desaree in the reflection of her mirror while Desaree pinned her hair into place. She was already dressed—only the finishing touches remained. She glanced down at her vanity. Queen Ahlessa's sapphire necklace sparkled up at her in its box. After a brief look, she grabbed the box's lid and covered it.

"Oh no!" Desaree swatted her hand away and uncovered the gems. "You will wear it."

She sighed, gazing at Desaree's stern expression in the mirror. "It's just so excessive, don't you think? Besides, why do I have to go? Since when do handmaidens dictate their lady's schedules?"

"Lady Claire," Desaree's voice was unyielding. "You have locked yourself in your sleeping chamber for four days consecutively—ever since your kidnapping. Now, I understand that you need time to heal. However, you cannot hide from the world forever, and you especially cannot hide from King Talon."

Claire offered Desaree a look that said, what's-the-big-deal? In exchange, she earned a gentle shove in the back and a loud scolding. "How many times did King Talon knock at your door?! Hmm? And how many times was I forced to turn him away? Gods above! Me—turn away Dragonwall's king? What would my mother say?"

"I assure you, Desaree, he'll live."

"The king is worried about you, Claire. Don't you crinkle your nose at me! You should have seen how he looked each time I refused him."

"Oh? And how did he look?"

"Like he might gobble me up!" Desaree cried.

Claire laughed. "I think he prefers livestock."

They both laughed. When Desaree calmed down she said, "The least you can do is walk with him. That is all he requested."

"I suppose you're is just a walk." Claire couldn't avoid him forever, no matter how badly she wanted to.

"There now. See?" Desaree smiled. "That was not so difficult, was it?"

Desaree knew all about Claire's rescue. She also knew exactly what had happened between Claire and the king—about the bath and how he had taken gentle care of her. Desaree had appreciated hearing this and said, "Anyone who takes meticulous care of you has earned my favor. King Talon did exactly what he should have."

Desaree also knew why Claire was avoiding him. She knew about the confusing and even frustrating feelings Claire had developed. "It's probably just some kind of rescue-romance syndrome," Claire had claimed rather defensively when she spilled the beans. "I mean, how cliché can I be? But it makes sense, right? I'm not the only person to feel something for her rescuer."

"Reyr rescued you too. How do you feel about him?"

Desaree's point upended Claire's theory and she was unable to give an answer. Even now, Claire knew she felt something different for Talon than she did for Reyr. But Desaree was right. Reyr had rescued her too.

In the mirror's reflection, Claire watched her frown deepen. She hated her confusion, hated not knowing how to feel. What was worse, none of it made sense. How could she go from hating someone's guts to...well...liking them? What happened to the neutral phase?

When Desaree finished with Claire's hair, she attached the heavy diamond-encrusted sapphire necklace around Claire's neck. "There. You are ready for the king's company now."

Claire studied her reflection, rather beside herself. Maybe Desaree was a Mage in disguise because her hands always worked magic. What was more, the combination of her royal blue gown with the sapphire necklace was astonishing. She thought of Talon. "He has good taste, doesn't he?" she mused. And for some reason, she wanted to laugh at her own joke, but she didn't.

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