Chapter 42 - The Cellar

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Kastali Dun

Claire's awareness faded in and out for hours on end, sending her into an abyss of inescapable imaginings. The dreams that accompanied this wakeful state were bizarre, as dreams often are when one is subjected to endless drifting. Some were distant memories, blurred by time, while others were near and crisp, like the crunching of dry leaves.

At first, she dreamt of normal things like helping her mom feed the chickens, going to the state fair with her grandpa as a child, and throwing the baseball back and forth with her dad. Then her dreams took a turn.

She found herself in a familiar place, surrounded by lush green foliage, glowing golden lights, and blue mists. Her bare feet delighted in the softness of the mossy ground beneath her toes. This place was joyous. It was home. The last time she was here, she was deprived of its magic. Now, she would stay.

She made her way through the blue mists of the forest, inhaling deeply, taking in every smell, every sound. The scent of damp earth combined with the smell of flowers overwhelmed her senses, but it was the smell of the wood she loved the most. She was inclined to touch one of the trees nearest her. She felt the energy of the great oak; its living essence thrived within. It was happy, everything around her was. She wanted to stay forever...

"This is your home now," a musical voice said from behind her.

She turned and her eyes widened. "Queen Jade."

"We have been waiting for you, Claire..." The Sprite queen held her arms open.

" have?"

"Of course. You bear the mark of our people—the mark of the Sprites. You are one of us."

"Then...I can stay?"

"Forever, if you wish it. This is your home. Your place is here."

The thought brought warmth. She wanted to live within the roots of the trees, to dwell among the unicorns and flowers, to drink up the knowledge offered by such an ancient people. For a few moments her mind drifted, peacefully. Then a new thought occurred to her, a thought filled with apprehension. "I cannot stay," she said. "I must return. My—my place is in Kastali Dun." She could not leave her friends behind. She glanced around the forest. Speaking of friends...How had she gotten here?

"Well, that's too bad. I am afraid I cannot let you leave, my dear." Queen Jade's voice changed. It grew harsh and hostile. The Sprite Queen's face changed too, melting away and turning ugly. The morphing lasted but a few seconds.

"You see? You can never leave. You will be mine forever, my dear." Kane stood before her now, red eyes glowing an awful shade of blood. His evil hiss sent fear shooting through her body like needles. How was he here? Like this? In her dreams?

"Ah, that is a wonderful question. You see, I managed to collect some of your...essence. You so wisely left behind your blood. You don't remember? That night the Vodar injured you on the plains of Kengr...?"

She remembered and shuddered. Her leg gave a painful twinge where she had been cut by the Vodar blade, but the dream continued.

"My magic allows me to use your blood to haunt your dreams, if I so desire. Come to me..."

"No!" she hissed. "I will never be yours." She turned to run, but vice-like fingers closed around her forearm, restricting her progress. She battled, screaming and pulling against the sorcerer.

Her body gave a jolt and her eyes opened. She found herself battling all the same, but from the ground where she sat. The man who held her tightly was not Kane. "Calm down, lassie, calm down!" He had a gruff voice that rubbed her wrong. A foul-smelling cloth rag was placed tightly over her face. At last, she was forced to inhale its pungent odor. The effect made her suddenly dizzy. Everything around her lurched. The man removed the rag. "Yes, I know. Rather horrid, isn't it?"

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