Chapter 23 - The Garden

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Kastali Dun

Desaree couldn't help her smile as she placed her last item of clothing—a chemise—into her wooden trunk. It felt as though she had never been happier. She closed the latch to her trunk and a knock sounded at her door.

"Come in," she called. It was probably Claire. She and Claire were both overwhelmed with excitement. She turned to the person who had entered and said, "I feel as if this is a dream." Her eyes grew wide. It wasn't Claire who faced her. "Verath! I had not—I did not expect..."

Verath stood framed in the doorway, surveying her activity. His eyes darted back and forth, blinking rapidly. What he saw was a newly packed chamber, whose occupant was clearly in a rush. His mouth went slack and his shoulders slumped. "You're leaving? I don't understand."

"Leaving? What do you...? Oh! Of course! You do not know yet—how could you?" She took a seat upon her cot to collect her thoughts. To Verath, the situation must have looked suspicious. Perhaps he cared about her enough to be upset by the idea of her departure. "It is not what it looks like, I promise. I received the best news! You will smile when I tell you."

"News?" His voice was softer this time; he straightened his shoulders.

Her lips split into an involuntary grin that made her cheeks ache. "I have been offered a position as Claire's handmaiden!"

"Then you are not leaving? I almost thought...never mind." He licked his lips and then smiled, just as she had hoped he would. Warmth trickled down through her chest to her legs. "This is a pleasant surprise, indeed."

"I told you that you would smile!" For a moment, she basked in her happiness. Then her thoughts skipped over each other and a new one came to mind, making her immediately frown. "Did you think I would leave without...without saying goodbye?"

"It crossed my mind."

Her chest tightened. "Have a care, sir! You know me better than that."

"It was silly." He fell silent for several long moments and then said, "Will you be living with Lady Claire?"

"I will have my own accommodations." Her chest swelled with pride. "I have been given a chamber across the hall from her."

The chamber in question was not entirely unique, nor was it the best, but it was better than most. There were a number of these chambers along the corridor everyone called the Hall of Kings. They lined the inner side, which made sense, because the outer rooms were occupied by Dragonwall's royalty and highest-ranking individuals, which offered ocean views with large sweeping balconies. The inner rooms were intended for those who served, most often handmaidens and elevated servants. "I will be just across the hall from Claire. It is quite convenient."

"And when did this development come to fruition?"

"Why, only a short while ago!" Unable to contain her excitement, she told Verath exactly how everything happened, how she had shared her desires with Claire and Saffra, and how Claire had taken matters into her own hands. By the end, Verath was chuckling. She herself hadn't stopped grinning since Claire told her. "I never imagined I would become a handmaiden for royalty," she added, still struggling to believe the turn of events.

"Your mother would be very proud of you."

Her eyes watered. "Thank you, Verath." The sadness brought on by the memory of her mother was short-lived. She quickly found herself smiling again. In fact, it seemed as if she couldn't escape it, as if her lips were frozen in one position. "Can one be too happy?"

"You deserve to be happy," Verath said, moving towards her. He took a seat beside her and they both fell silent.

After a while, Verath's silence began to concern her. When she glanced at him, his face was still and unreadable. Her eyebrows pulled together. " something wrong? Are you unhappy?"

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