Chapter 29 - Close to Death

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Kastali Dun

Saffra finished her chanting while chaos reigned down upon her. She looked up, only now taking note of her surroundings. The fight continued with Claire nowhere in sight. Her stomach sank when she realized this. Had she failed not one person tonight, but two?

"Saffra! Get him out of here!" Bedelth's voice was like a distant echo. "We will keep them occupied. Now go!"

Snapping out of it, she returned her attention to her beloved. "Can you walk?" she asked. Dax continued to writhe and moan. His eyes were fixed upon the ceiling, unseeing. "Dax!" she repeated. "Can you walk?" He nodded but otherwise appeared unresponsive. "Good," she said. "I've got to get you out of here."

After she helped him to his feet, she draped Dax's arm over her shoulder and hobbled to the room's exit. "Watch yourself!" came a shout from behind. Bedelth jumped in front of her, blocking an oncoming blow that would have finished her. Thwarted, the attacking wraith screamed like a furious wind. The sound left her skin crawling. Peeling her eyes away, she set her sights upon the door.

The moment she was free of the tower, she found Desaree and Jocelyn huddled against the opposite wall of the corridor. "We decided to wait out here," they explained, rushing to her aid to help support Dax's weight.

"But—where is Claire?" Desaree cried looking back over her shoulder. "We cannot leave without Claire!"

"I do not know, Desaree. I must get Dax to Marcel. If I do not take him now, he will die. My magic cannot keep him safe; the poison is spreading."

"But...Claire..." Desaree looked over her shoulder again, as if Claire might burst into the corridor at any moment. "We cannot leave her. What if—"

"You must stay here and ensure that she is okay. Jocelyn will help me with Dax."

"I will help," Jocelyn said, echoing Saffra's words.

Saffra gave Desaree a final look and said, "Take care of yourself, Des, and do not do anything careless. I would...I cannot bear the thought of you or Claire hurt. Get her to safety—you must."

Desaree nodded then gave them a final apologetic look before retreating. As Saffra moved away with Dax and Jocelyn, she caught a glimpse of Desaree peeking through the tower's door. Claire's fate—and Desaree's too—was now in the hands of the gods.

When they reached the Grand Mage's quarters, Marcel opened the door. He wore a look of bewilderment which soon turned into a look of alarm. "The Vodar!" Saffra cried by way of explanation. Marcel nodded and quickly ushered them into a chamber within his quarters. They laid Daxton's body upon a bed, positioning his arms and legs so he would be comfortable. Daxton moaned with each movement.

Marcel wasted no time; he began muttering an incantation. Then he turned to them and barked several commands, none of which were heard by Saffra. She gazed desperately at her beloved, struggling to process what was happening. At one point, she was vaguely aware of Jocelyn rushing away, only to return shortly thereafter with supplies. It all seemed so dream-like.

After a while, she felt Jocelyn's arms on her shoulders, ushering her to a nearby chair. She sat in shock, watching Marcel do his work. She could have helped him. She could have joined her magic with his, but he never asked. Perhaps he knew as well as she that she was in no fit state to do anything.

When the fog of her mind cleared, Saffra found Marcel crouched before her looking more exhausted than she had ever seen him. He took her chin in his fingers and lifted her face into the light. His eyes assessed hers for nearly a minute. "I think you will be okay," he said at last.

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