Chapter 13: Claire's Dreams

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Kastali Dun

Reyr made haste on his errand, lengthening his stride as he walked through the city. He could have flown from the keep, or taken a horse, but walking felt good. As he went, he considered Claire's conundrum: She was having glimpses into Kane's mind. She was becoming Kane in her dreams. It was alarming, at the least. However, he had a theory which he hoped was true. It would be a less frightening alternative to Claire's, since she thought she was becoming like Kane. He planned to tell her before the evening meal, if he made good time.

Kastali Dun's ports were monstrously large, sprawling along the bay. Today, as usual, Reyr witnessed a frenzy of activity taking place. Dockhands loaded and unloaded cargo, they carted goods here and there, they called to each other as new instructions came down the line.

He set off in search of the dockmaster who was overseeing the unloading of cargo. Once he spotted the man, he called out with cupped hands, "Master Arden!"

Arden spotted him and rushed across the maze of docks. They grasped forearms in a friendly greeting. "My Lord Reyr!" Master Arden said. "I was wondering when you would be back here. You looking for news?"

"Good to see you, old fellow, and indeed I am."

"Come, come! Let us speak in private." Master Arden led Reyr through the hustle and bustle of carts and boxes being hauled about.

"How fares your wife?" Reyr asked as they walked.

"Better 'n ever. She's due by the next full moon." Arden's jubilance was apparent. This would be his wife's fourth child.

Arden was a tall, lean man with a grizzly beard and sparkling brown eyes. His forehead had deep-set lines, his skin was tanned from years in the sun, and though he wasn't much older than forty, he looked closer to fifty.

They entered Arden's office and Arden shut the door behind them, inviting Reyr to take a seat across from him. After Arden sat, he reached behind him and collected two cups and an already open bottle of hard liquor. He poured each of them generous amounts.

Reyr sipped his before getting to business. "When we last spoke, you told me everything was set for our...secret mission north. Is it underway?"

Each night, Reyr met with King Talon and the other Shields to discuss private matters of business. It was during these meetings that an idea was hatched—one that might save the kingdom. It was the king's proposal initially, but they had all agreed. A secret mission was planned, and it was this secret mission to which Reyr referred.

"The mission is well underway," said Arden. "After we last spoke, I selected my best merchant captain. I briefed him privately. He insisted the mission be carried out with his current crew, so I gave him that."

"Good. When did he depart?"

"Little over one week ago. I s'pect he should be at the port sometime in the next week, collecting the...cargo. After that, he will be havin' a dangerous journey home."

"Because of the pirate attacks?"

"Aye. It's getting bad, Lord Reyr. Real bad." Arden took several sips before speaking again. "I consulted all the records"—he pointed over his shoulder at a case packed with rolls of parchment—"and there's only a few mentions of pirate attacks like these."

"I see. Any idea of what or who is behind them?" Reyr's gaze flicked between the records and Arden.

Arden shrugged. "I might have an idea. There was a reference I found dating back some forty thousand years ago. They tell of a time just before King Gallant and Queen Lena came about, when pirates attacked up and down the coastline."

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