Chapter 11 - The City Market

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Kastali Dun

Claire heard a knock at her door as she sloppily finished the ties on her gown—who cared if her gown didn't look as properly executed as the other women? She wrapped herself in a shawl before shouting, "Just a moment," from across the room. Then she stepped away from her mirror and left her dressing area.

Because her windows faced south-west, the golden rays of sunlight sparkling on the surface of the sea were not yet dancing in her quarters. The air outside was especially cool this morning, as if the world knew it was a rest day, as if it had permission to relax. Each morning was consecutively cooler as fall approached. The first day of fall was a little over a week away, bringing them closer to the Fall Tournament, which happened on the middle-most day of fall.

Each year, various competitions took place in Kastali Dun's arena. These events were open to the public. Most highlighted physical strength and ability, some of which involved fighting or archery. There were always celebrations to accompany the competitions; a few even took place in the keep. On the streets outside the city's arena, vendors set up temporary stalls, and tents were erected for various entertaining performances. From dancers to acrobats, there was sure to be something for everyone.

Although this particular tournament came around once a year to Kastali Dun, every five years, a ball accompanied the end of events. This year happened to be known as a fifth year—a ball year. Claire had heard enough to be eager. Every time she pictured the tournament, she pictured something magnificent; for the first time since coming to Dragonwall, she was finally looking forward to something.

Reaching her door at last, she opened it to find a welcome face. "Desaree!" she cried, jumping out of the way. Desaree's chocolate-brown eyes warmly greeted her. She would have hugged her were it not for the tray Desaree held.

"Good morning, Lady Claire."

"Cut the crap, Desaree. Call me Claire. None of that lady stuff. And since we are on the matter of names, may I call you Des?"

Desaree smiled wide then stepped forward. "Des would be absolutely fine. And I'll use Claire."

Claire shut her door and followed Desaree through the chamber.

"I was excited," Desaree said, "when Tess sent me along with your breakfast." She deposited her armful at Claire's dining table. "I have been waiting for a chance to bring you your meal. We hardly get to see each other."

It was true. They rarely got to spend time together. Claire had an idea; she said, "Why don't you stay and dine with me?"

Desaree's eyes glowed. "I would not dare decline such an offer!"

The two of them sat down to a generous breakfast of oatmeal, boiled eggs, fruit, warm spiced bread, honey, and juice. For a few minutes they ate in silence, licking their fingers and letting out an occasional sigh of contentment. At last, Claire slowed her pace and used the opportunity to tell Desaree everything that had happened the day prior. She started with her lessons and ended with Caterina's threats. By the end of her retelling, Desaree's tan face had already lost its color. "Pardon my surprise," Desaree said, her eyes wide, "but Caterina threatened you!" There was a long pause before Desaree added, "Why aren't you more upset about it? Do you not understand the severity of her actions?"

"I..." Claire swallowed. "I know it was inappropriate, at the least."

"Inappropriate! Claire, you are royal."

"That didn't stop her."

Desaree shook her head. "None but the king is higher than you. She should have kept her mouth closed. Lucky for her there were no guards around to see her misbehavior."

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