Chapter 24 - Passing Time

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Kastali Dun

Claire rushed through the keep's corridors, anxious to return to her chambers. She had just finished her magic lesson with Mage Targa. While she was quite tired, her energy levels weren't nearly as low as they often were.

Over a week had passed since Caterina's threat, and fortunately, she hadn't tried anything else. She had, however, taken every opportunity to glare at Claire and utter snide remarks under her breath.

When Claire reached her quarters, she breathed a sigh of relief, immediately calmed by familiarity. "Welcome back, my lady." Desaree's serene voice greeted her; a moment later, she appeared by Claire's side.

"You know you don't need to call me that, right?" Claire lifted an eyebrow at Desaree.

"But all handmaidens call their ladies 'my lady.' I take my position seriously."

"I am starting to understand all too well."

Today was Desaree's first official day as handmaiden. Out of pure excitement, Desaree had far outdone herself. She had brought Claire breakfast, insisted on dressing her, and then insisted on putting her hair in an elaborate updo fitting for a royal woman. Claire wasn't used to this kind of pampering, and was struggling to adjust.

Out of curiosity, Claire asked, "How did everything go after I left this morning?"

A dreamy look passed over Desaree's features. "Absolutely wonderfully!"

"Oh? Do tell!"

At Claire's invitation, Desaree looked as if she might burst with excitement. "Well, since you must know: After you departed for your lessons, I went to the market to collect more writing supplies for you. I also stopped by Madame Rosanne's to pick up a gown she had finished for you. You will never believe what happened while I was there."

Claire's curiosity peaked. "It must be something good because you are in an excellent mood."

Desaree's smile grew wider. "When Madame Rosanne discovered that I was your handmaiden, she was in an uproar! You should have heard her." Desaree's expression and stance changed to mimic Madame Rosanne's. "'A handmaiden to Lady Claire cannot walk around dressed like that!'" The tone of her voice was lowered in a near identical re-enactment.

Claire giggled. "You're good! Really good!"

Desaree's smile was shy. "Anyway, I could hardly say no to her after that, could I? Anyone in my position would have felt as conflicted as I."

"Conflicted? What do you mean?"

"Oh come now, Claire. Madame Rosanne's gowns cost a fortune. Everyone knows that." Claire was taken aback by Desaree's sudden abruptness. "Forgive me," Desaree added. "I did not mean to sound so..."

"It's fine, Des. But..." Claire's heart sank as she thought about Desaree's words. "I will gladly pay for whatever you need. Besides, the king—he said you would have a good salary. There's nothing to feel guilty about."

Desaree took a seat on the couch and loudly sighed. "I suppose after living without indulgences for so long, I have become rather miserly. There is nothing I can do about it now. Madame Rosanne was more than accommodating, believe me."

" decided to accept her offer?" Claire hoped this was the case.

"Oh yes." A wicked grin spread over Desaree's face. "She outfitted me with two new gowns from the display window and had my measurements taken to commission two more. She put everything on loan; I am not to pay her until it is convenient."

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