Chapter 14: Journey to Redport

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Squall's End/Redport

Tamara stood alone, waiting anxiously in the corridor outside the quarters of Fort Squall's leaders. She shuffled her weight from one leg to the other. Today, for the first time, she was to ride upon the back of a dragon. She was going to fly with Byron in exchange for visiting her family, an agreement that still left her apprehensive. She ought to have been rejoicing. Since childhood she had dreamt of becoming a Rider—dreamt of flying among the clouds—but she wasn't sure if the cost of today's flight was worth her dreaded visit to Redport.

The last time she had seen her family was the night of the Search, the night before she had run away from Redport. She had met Byron for the first time then, though she did not know they were mates. When he found her sitting beneath a willow tree, she was already plotting her escape. Now it was time to make peace with her family. As reluctant as she was to admit it, starting a new phase of her life with a clean slate would bode well for them both.

Much to Tamara's relief, she hadn't long to wait for Byron. The fort leader's door opened, and people began filing out. She recognized most of them as wing-leaders and wing-seconds. The meeting had been important. Fort Squall was anticipating a conclave, which required significant preparations. Representatives from each of the forts, as well as the capital, were journeying to Fort Squall to discuss the coming war.

Tamara chewed on the skin of her lower lip, thinking about all the dangers the future held. These were worrisome times. She ought to be afraid like everyone else, but her life was too good to feel fearful. She had never been happier. That alone made it difficult to view the current situation as everyone else did.

"You look well today, Lady Tamara." Lord Davi stood before her, hand in hand with Lady Emmy. They had swept up without her noticing. She immediately composed her thoughts and greeted them, curtsying gracefully.

"Are you ready for your journey?" Lady Emmy asked. "It is a fine day for flying."

"I believe I am." She was determined to hide her true feelings.

"If only we could join you." Lady Emmy looked longingly towards the sky before planting a swift kiss on Lord Davi's cheek. "I must be away, my love. Duties await..." Lady Emmy bid them farewell and took her leave. With tender eyes, Lord Davi watched her depart.

At that moment, Byron emerged into the corridor. Tamara heard his roaring voice before she saw him. She looked over in time to see him grasping arms with his fellow wing-second. He then turned and cried, "There she is!"

Lord Davi looked at both of them and said, "Have a safe and successful journey. You will be missed while you are away." He then gave them a brief nod and departed. The corridor emptied thereafter.

Byron took Tamara's hand in his, lifting it to kiss her knuckles. His eyes were trained on hers, and the intensity of them stilled her heart. She did well to hide her giddiness. Were other women as weak as she? Did they go to pieces when paid this kind of attention? Was it merely a byproduct of her age and inexperience?

"Still brooding about your family?"

She shook her head—perhaps too adamantly. She had spent the better part of the day in complete anxiety, filled with apprehension about her decision. Yet, things seemed better now. With Byron's appearance, her fears had diminished. Her feelings for him were distraction enough to keep her from fretting over her father, over what he might say, or how he might treat her. With Byron, she always felt safe.

The two of them made their way through the corridors of the fort, heading in the direction of an open courtyard. "Have you packed everything you wish to take along?" he asked.

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