Chapter 15 - A Meeting of Forts

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Fort Squall

Davi stood in the corner of the packed conference room, surveying the attendees for their conclave. The conference room at Fort Squall comfortably sat twelve with its high-backed chairs and mahogany table. There were far more than that in attendance. Fourteen stools were brought in for the remaining Drengr and their Riders. The crowded chamber was growing more cramped by the minute.

The turnout was both unanticipated and welcome. Representatives from each of the forts were in attendance, including some of the king's own Shields. Davi could not have hoped for better, though he wished Reyr was among the Shields present. His twin brother still owed him a proper visit, and his presence would have made everything easier, especially given the state of things.

With each passing day, the city of Squall's End grew more crowded. Refugees from the northern villages were pouring in at an unusual rate. Fear of wild dragons had sent many south. Davi could hardly blame those seeking refuge; these were frightening times.

He gave the chamber's occupants a few more minutes to settle down before taking his position at the head of the room. He alone remained standing while all others sat. The meeting needed a moderator. As leader of the host fort, the task rested with him. If only Reyr were here...

"My love, we both know he wanted to come." Emmy's voice was always a pleasant interruption for his brooding thoughts.

"Yes, yes, but it would be a lot easier if he had found a way to come."

"I agree, but we must do the best we can without him," she replied. "Shall we get started?"

"I think we must." He cleared his throat and spoke loudly, silencing the room. "Thank you all for attending. For many of you, it has been a long journey. Know that you have my gratitude." Several members from Fort Lin and Fort Edge were among those who had traveled the farthest; they had flown over a week to be present.

"I will not waste your time on small talk. Let us get to the point. We are here because wild dragons have invaded our homeland." A few shifted uneasily in their seats. Talk of wild dragons had a way of instilling fear in the bravest of souls. Even after fifty thousand years, their bloodthirsty reputation remained.

"The purpose of today is simple. We must devise a plan to defeat the beasts threatening us, and ensure we take proper precautions in the meantime. How do we protect our kingdom and ourselves—successfully, I might add?" He let the silence soak up his words.

The biggest problem was their lack of planning. He was sure the king had several tricks up his sleeve, but those tricks had not yet trickled down to him. In truth, this meeting should have happened weeks ago, but the king was busy with other things, such as the strange woman whom he had taken in as his ward.

"Before we jump into this discussion, I thought I would first give you Fort Squall's status. Regarding attacks, Belnesse was the first of several we have suffered, the last of which killed ten of our own. You felt the sorrow when they died—same as I." Many grim faces gazed back at him. "Aside from these crippling attacks, there are strange rumors in Vestur...rumors of unnatural creatures stalking the land.

"We have sent sweep teams to evaluate these claims and should have answers soon. Closer to home, here at Fort Squall, our infantry—swordsmen and spearmen alike—have been training twice as long. Our forge fires are lit day and night. They have produced extra weapons, shields, and the like. Our siege masters have successfully mounted mechanical dragonlance throwers on the walls of the city and the fort, should there be a direct assault. The commander has his men working alongside our Drengr using iron spearheads on their dragonlances. Their aim has improved greatly. The only problem is: we need Ice Metal if we want to pierce dragon scales."

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