Chapter 16 - Womanhood

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Tamara looked with wide eyes between her bloodied bedsheets and her handmaiden, Leena. "You've nothin' to be ashamed of, my lady," Leena said. "'Tis only a bit of blood." Terrified was a better word for how Tamara felt—she could care less about shame. What was she to make of this disgusting mess? Surely something was wrong with her insides.

It was still dawn. Leena had roused her just moments before. Tamara could tell something wasn't right, even then, but it wasn't until Leena helped her out of bed that the dull ache in her belly intensified. Even now, she hunched over and took several gasps of air. Seeing the mess only made the situation worse.

"Why didn't my mother tell me it would be like this?" she groaned. A painful spasm came upon her belly. Her hand clung to the bed's bannister for support.

"Mothers often make light of the situation," Leena said. "They do not wish to frighten their beloved daughters."

"Well!" Tamara took a steadying breath. "I promise you, I am frightened now!"

"Come now, my lady. This is a part of becoming a woman. You will get used to it. For most, the pain only lasts a few days."

"A few..." Tamara groaned and hunched over further, clutching her belly.

"Your mother will be so pleased to hear the news. I shall go and fetch her."

Tamara considered arguing. She did not want to be alone. But perhaps having her mother here was for the best.

As Leena was walking across the room, her chamber door opened. She turned to find Byron in the doorway. "What is happening here?" he asked. His eyes took in Tamara's doubled over figure and widened.

Tamara was overcome with embarrassment. Even in the early light of morning, the bloodied mess was unmistakable. "What are cannot be here!" she hissed through clenched teeth.

"I sensed your distress and came at once." His brow furrowed.

"You should not see me like this. Please...go!"

"But you are in pain." When Byron looked at her handmaiden, he must have realized what was truly taking place. "She has reached her womanhood," he said matter-of-factly, looking at Leena.

"Aye, sire," came Leena's answer.

"Byron, go!" Tamara pointed at the door, trying to hide her exasperation.

He did not move.

"I will fetch your mother, my lady," Leena said. With that, she rushed from the room, making matters far worse. Now Tamara was alone with Byron. Her heart pounded against her chest and her breathing increased. It was utterly embarrassing.

Byron took several steps towards her. She held out her hand to stop him from coming any closer. When she noticed that her hand was bloodied, she swallowed and hid it behind her back. "Please," she whispered, putting her forehead against the cool wood of the bed's bannister. She still clung to it with her other hand. She closed her eyes and clenched her jaw, biting hard on her teeth. "I will be fine. I—I am told that this is normal."

"Normal? Seeing you this terrified is not normal. Blood is not foreign to me, Tamara. You need not be abashed."

"My word!" Lady Redwynn's cry silenced everything. Thank the gods! Tamara's mother would make things right. "Lord Byron," she said, "this is not the time for a visit. You must leave at once! Leena, bring Josephine and fetch some fresh bedding. I daresay you know how to handle this. Go quickly."

Tamara was relieved—more than relieved. She kept her eyes closed and felt her mother's cool hands upon her face, preening, comforting her. When at last she lifted her head and opened her eyes, Byron was no longer there. They were alone.

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