Chapter 6 - "You will never lose me."

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Late afternoon light washed over Gigi as she sat in the garden. A trail of gray smoke, from Alton's burning still lingered, hovering over the city as if his spirit were taking one last look before departing.

Gigi dropped her gaze to her hands and the maroon dress they rested on. A smile curled her lips as she brushed her hand down the silky material. Images of the last six days spent with her grandparents floated through her mind. 

The drive through the city, envious looks following the carriage as it rolled down the streets. The dressmakers fawning over them as they were shown endless swatches of silk, satin and lace. Her grandmother's joyous tone as she introduced Gigi as her granddaughter at the celebration of Alton's life the previous night.

Gigi let out a sigh, wishing she could move backwards and relive those few days once more. The sound of footsteps crunching on pebbles pulled her from her thoughts. Turning, she watched as a servant appeared from behind a hedge. He bowed as he stopped before her.

"Lord and Lady Brixton wish to speak with you, Lady," the servant said.

A new smile flickered across her lips at his address. Rising, she followed the servant as he wound his way through the garden to the terrace, the skirt of her dress clutched in her hands. 

The servant bowed to her and left her before her grandparents' sitting room. The guard opened the door and Gigi stepped inside, forcing herself to take a deep breath.

"Come sit, dear," Lady Brixton said, with a kind smile, motioning to a chair. "There is something we wish to discuss with you."

Gigi's mother was no where in sight, but she didn't focus on this. Taking a few tentative steps forward, she sat down.

"Genevieve," her grandfather said. "You may not be fully aware of this, but Alton was not married and had no heirs." Gigi nodded, knowing this from the previous day's event. "Since you are our only grandchild we would like the opportunity to get to know you."

"Having you here these last fews days," her grandmother said, "has made us realize that we want to get to know you more. Spend time with you." Her grandparents shared a look. "That is why we want to invite you to stay with us for the summer."

Gigi blinked, shocked by the invitation. Her grandmother gave her a bright smile as the words were absorbed.

"The King is hosting a month long festival in Loria, in five weeks time," she said. "You would accompany us there. It would be your chance to be introduced into society. Nobles from all across the Kingdom attend the festival." Lady Brixton's voice rose in volume as she kept talking, the words falling from the tip of her tongue. "You attend balls, riding parties, garden parties. Teas with the queen herself, it is the brightest point in the year. Every lady dreams of the King's festival."

Images of elegantly dressed lords and ladies swirled in Gigi's mind. Sweeping ballrooms and endless banquets. A rush of excitement filled her and she could hardly contain her smile.

"At the end of summer, once we have returned to Taraben from the festival, you can return to your...home." Her grandmother's gaze darted to Lord Brixton's for the briefest of seconds, before settling back on Gigi. "My dear child, what we wish is for the chance to know our only granddaughter," Lady Brixton said.

Silence filled the room, as the last of Lady Brixton's words seeped into the walls and escaped through the open windows. Gigi was lost for words, what lay before her was the chance she had always dreamed of having. Before she could even realized what she was saying, her response leapt out.

"I would be honored to stay," she said. "I can not express my gratitude."

A look of delight filled her grandmother's face as her grandfather nodded approvingly.

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