Chapter 25 - "I would like the truth."

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Not a sound stirred the silence of the library. If it weren't for the fact that Davin sat across from Gigi, she would have thought she was completely alone. The great, tall bookcases absorbed all the noise and the thick doors kept casual visitors at bay. The air was warm from the lanterns and smelled of lamp oil and book glue. It was a place Gigi felt comfortable in, though the seclusion was the main reason for her presence there.

Unable to face the Court but hating the thought of hiding away in her bedroom, she had found solace in the quiet sanctuary. Davin had barely blinked an eye when she joined him. Neither of them had spoken in the hours they had been there, letting the other be in their own world.

Muffled laughter made Gigi look to the doors, but no one entered. She went back to staring at the book before her but found the words held no meaning. They hadn't all morning. Her heart felt sore and each time she tried to not think of the previous night it never lasted. The images would cloud her mind and her heart shrunk a little more each time.

"What troubles you, Genevieve, that you have not read beyond that page?"

Gigi glanced at Davin. Calm blue eyes met hers. She dropped her gaze, afraid that her pain would be plainly seen. Davin returned to his book but didn't read. The silence between them seemed heavy with his unasked questions and her unspoken answers.

"Do you find me to be...naive?" she asked, the words hitting the page in front of her.

Davin lowered his book, studying her.

"Genevieve, how do you expect me to answer?"

"I would like the truth."

When he was silent, Gigi pulled her head up. His face was full of understanding.

"Yes," he said. "I do. But that's not a quality that I see as bad."

"How can it not be?"

"It makes you different from all the nobles here. The Court is not as it appears from the outside. It is a cruel place to live in."

Gigi shook her head at his words. "You would be surprised at the type of cruel life I lived."

Davin leaned forward, pushing aside his novel. "I do not doubt you, but there is a cruelty to this life that is hidden behind smiles."

A hundred different smiles popped into Gigi's mind. All of them had spoken of things unsaid.

"You are not like them," she said.

"Yes, but that is because I rarely smile."

Gigi found herself laughing at the truth of his statement. The only times she could remember Davin truly smiling were when he was in the presence of Everly. Now understanding, his smiles weighed more than they ever had.

"Why do you stay?" she asked.

"Where else would I go?"

"You do not have to come to the King's Festival."

A sad look slid into his eyes. "There are reasons that make it hard to stay away."

"Reasons or reason?"

He said nothing, instead, he gave her a flicker of a smile that didn't banish his sadness. Darkened by his thoughts, Davin picked up his book. Gigi let him be, not wanting to be another source of pain. Unable to bear the quiet again, she rose and moved to the door. Her hand was on the handle when Davin spoke.

"Do not let their words change you," he said. "Keep your smile."

The edge of her mouth curled at his encouragement. She pulled the door open and slipped out. The light behind the dim library took her by surprise and she paused, waiting for her eyes to adjust. The hallway was clear, but the distant murmur of voices could be heard. She walked, not sure where she was going.

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